part 4

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Lunch, oh i love lunch. "Hey new kid, you probably shouldnt be hanging with the fags and slut of the school, come hang with me" this very ugly and annoying girl said. "Sorry cant, i happen to be a fag myself, and maybe a slut youll never know" i replied and she scoffed at me and i walked and sat by stan at the table. "You are awesome, also same" stan said then winked at me then eddie started ranting about something which caught his attention.

"Hey what did greta say to you" ben asked suddenly, "Uh just told me not to hang with fags and sluts and then i told her i was a fag and possibly a slut". "Wait, your gay, and not a virgin" richie said and i nodded then shook my head but he ignored it. "I was really hopping to take it away from you" he said and eddie and stan slapped him. "Ok im bi but not a slut, ive never even kissed someone" i said and richie looked at stan, "Ill give you 30 dollars to kiss him". I widened my eyes and stan said, "only if its ok with him". He looked at me and i nodded and shook my head and ended up doing it in a circle then pushed out, "i dont Know" the k voicecracked. "Hey bowers is looking, you should to piss him off" richie said and i just closed my eyes not caring what happened next. Suddenly i felt a very quick peck on my lips and felt a little disappointed but happy because i wa nervous. "Ok but i want 30 too" i said and stan rolled his eyes and richie said, "what am i, money". "I must be a bad kisser" stan said and i shrugged, "i dont know couldnt tell" then i got up and walked away and winked at the blonde dude, victor, who was starring at me and he turned away hidding his face.

im taking away his anxiety because i love shy but brave bill

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