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She screamed.

"What is wrong with you? You have been blaming Asfandyar for the past six years for something he didn't do. How could he even harm his best friend when he was in the accident himself."

Agonizing tears were spilling from Ruhbal's eyes with each word she spoke; she was mentally exhausted with everything. For once, she just wanted to live freely, free from resentment, free from anger, and free from constantly betraying the love of her life.

But after today, Ruhbal will tell Asfandyar everything; she will mend their broken souls and start living the beautiful life they both deserve.

On the Other hand, Nabeel Eman was furious; he knew Ruhbal was catching up to his lies, but he didn't care anymore; he never cared, and why would he? He was not even their real father; he was their uncle who took their birth father's place when their baba died.

"Your right; I have been lying to you for the past six years. Asfandyar is innocent; he is not responsible for Razaan's accident; he was just a ploy in my game."

Ruhbal should've felt betrayed the moment her father spoke those heartbreaking words, but instead, she felt nothing but relief. She could finally breathe, knowing Asfandyar is truly innocent.

But what ploy was her father talking about, and who could've purposely caused her brother's accident, who could've caused her family so much pain?

"Then why have you been lying to me for the past six years? Who killed my brother?"

Her tired and broken voice spoke out.

"I did; I was the one who caused Razaan's accident. He died because I wanted him dead."

Ruhbal's feet staggard back upon hearing her father's bitter words. How could he even speak those disgusting words with so much ease? How could a father kill his own child without any remorse?

"How could you, how could you kill your child. How could you destroy your family like that? Why did you do this? Answer me, answer me damn it."

She screamed with every fiber in her body.

"Because he wasn't my son, he wasn't my family, and neither are you. I have no remorse for what I have done because you both are not my kids. You both are just my dead brother's kids who I raised just so I can be with the love of my life, your mother, Aleena."

At that very moment, Ruhbal's whole world fell apart. She could've never imagined that the life she has always known was nothing but a lie—the man whom she considered her baba was actually her uncle, her chachu. Nothing could've prepared her for the pain she felt that very moment.

Gaining her broken voice back, Ruhbal struggled to voice out her remaining words. But before she could say anything further, her uncle spoke out.

"Since you have been dying to know the truth, I will tell you everything today. Your father, Zaki Eman was my older brother; he was the best brother anyone could have ever asked for; we were always inseparable, but that changed the moment we met Aleena. She was everything I ever wanted, but sadly she never became mine because she and Zaki fell in love.

I tried, I really tried seeing her as my sister-in-law, respecting her as my brother's wife, but I couldn't do it; my heart broke more times than I could count. Many years passed with me carrying the broken pieces of my heart, yet nothing changed. Zaki's and Aleena's love only bloomed and became stronger."

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