Faerghus' Greatest Skirt-Chaser (Sylvain)

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Author's note: Aaaaaaaaaa!!!! It took me a while to debate on a good title and who I'd start with for the one-shots! And not to mention: I made all of this up as I went, so it probably won't be all that good, I won't promise anything, but I appreciate you reading anyways, and I hope you like Sylvain as much as I do, truly!

♥️     💕   💞    🧡      ❣️     ❤️   🖤    💔

A fresh breeze blows on the stables of Garreg Mach Monastery. There were a few students tending to the colorful variety of horses, some were petting the horses, tending to their needs and grooming them as thanks for everything the horses have done to help the knights of the monastery, while there were those few students who goofed off, some would try to sneak away, others were just getting distracted by the latest gossip in Officer's Academy. What are they talking about? Well... A certain student who carries around quite a unique reputation, despite being a noble.

"Sylvain! How many times must I tell you to focus on the horses instead of hitting on other women!?"
A blonde-haired female, with eyes as green as an emerald, and hair long enough to reach her waist tied up in a braid, yelled out in anger to a red-haired male.
"Hey, relax Ingrid! All I wanted was advice on how to look after horses better."
The red-haired male, who was grinning, answered the blonde-haired woman, who's name was apparently Ingrid.
"Oh really? Then what does asking if they're free tonight have to do with looking after horses???"
Ingrid looks furiously at the red-haired male, as he looks back at her and sighs in defeat.
"Okay, okay, you got me. I was asking one of the girls out on a date. So please don't get angry at me."
"Angry at you? How can I NOT get angry at you when you always go after anything that breathes!? Not to mention: You're supposed to be looking after horses!"
If looks could kill, the red-haired male would've already been dead by Ingrid's death glare. He gulps nervously, but then a smile crept to his face.
"Heh, you're right Ingrid. The ladies will definitely like a man who tends to his noble steed, like a knight in shining armor."
The male winks at Ingrid, while Ingrid simply sighs in frustration and facepalms.
"By the goddess... Is there not a time where you DON'T think about women Sylvain!?"
Ingrid says, gritting her teeth in anger as she accidentally scrubs a little too hard on the poor horse she was looking after, the horse freaking out and nearly kicking Ingrid, but fortunately Ingrid moved away from the horse quickly enough. She and the male, who's name turned out to be Sylvain, looked at the horse in shock as it ran away in panic.
"Whoops, looks like someone couldn't hold their horses."
Sylvain says with a wink, chuckling and mentally regretting his joke. Alois would've been proud of him.
"Nevermind that. We need to calm the horse down or it might run away from the monastery!"
Ingrid says in a rather panicky tone, quickly getting onto a horse and went after the other horse she was meant to look after.
"Hey! Wait for me, Ingrid!"
Sylvain yells out to her, getting on his horse and running after them.

It felt like hours, or more of an eternity, but in the end, they finally managed to calm the horse down... With help of the entire Blue Lions class running after the horse. Even the professor had to join in on the hunt, but in the end, the horses were safe and sound, but not all ended in a happy ending: The professor had Sylvain and Ingrid stay at the stables to clean up the feces of the horses... Well, it was more or less Ingrid doing most of the work: Sylvain stopped every moment to try to flirt with the women that passed by, and thanks to his actions, they were stuck at the stables until nightfall. Once they were finally done, the two of them walked off to their dorms.
"Hey... Ingrid?"
Ingrid sighs.
"Yes, Sylvain?"
"... I'm sorry, for ruining your day and making you stay at the stables longer than you needed to."
He spoke honestly to his childhood friend, his expression filled with guilt.
"I forgive you... Only if you don't hit on women again if we get paired up again for this group activity. I wouldn't want to upset a horse again because of you."
"Alright, fine... I promise... But at the very least, let me get you some dinner tomorrow as part of my apology, alright?"
He winks at her, while Ingrid's eyes lit up, trying not to drool at the thought of food. Then she quickly shook her head as if to snap out of it.
"Nu-uh, no way, I am NOT gonna fall for your tricks, Sylvain!"
Sylvain looks at Ingrid in shock, his mouth wide open.
"My tricks!? Asking my childhood friend out for dinner is a trick!? I wasn't even trying to flirt with you Ingrid!"
"You better not, or I'll be ready to cancel and make sure you don't see another woman in your life again"
Sylvain gulps.
"Alright, alright. No flirting, just a friendly dinner with a friendly Sylvain. Got it"
Ingrid responds with a 'good', as she waves goodnight to Sylvain and goes to her dorm room. Sylvain shakes his head, as he decides to leave the dorms and go out on a date with yet another woman. No matter what he does for his friends, he'll always be known as Faerghus' greatest skirt-chaser... And the one who calmed a terrified horse.

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