"WAIT! no , please-" I start to beg. But before I could finish I felt a sudden rush of air around me, and a cruel hard greeting with the cement floor.
It was black again.
Memories rushed into mind like blades stabbing me repedently.
Each one hurt worse than the others.
"PLEASE" I yelled into the darkness.
"Why not just change me completely?"
Her father looked at her with intensity.
"Because I'm testing you. To see how you react."
"So I'm a guinea pig?"
He laughs "I guess so."
She puts the vials into the pocket of her pajamas.
"So be it."
"Y/n take the vials when it's most necessary. Also be aware that we haven't tested them. "
"Of course." Was all she said.
"Or we could just do it now."
Y/n eyes widened.
Suddenly she felt a needle pierce through her neck.
"Now?" David asked.
"Now." she confirmed.
Tony yelled in pain. "Bitch!"
"Hey!" a voice said.
She turned her head.
Peter webbed her hands.
She fell back stumbling to the ground.
"No,no,no,no,no,DAVID WAKE UP" I say slapping his face.
"DAVID!"I yell.
No response.
"Connect the dots y/n"my fathers voice spoke.
"PLEASE!" I screamed. Each second that past I felt my bones breaking one by one.
I screamed every time until he dropped me.
Each memory stabbing me. Everything came to me. I remembered.
And it was true. I know what my father was trying to tell me...
I was in a simulation. He was testing me...And I failed.
None of it was real. THAT BASTARD TRICKED ME!!!.
It was all a lie, the fight, the mission, the avengers, the prison, the pain, the memory wipe.
It was all a lie.
Tears streamed down my eyes.
"PLEASE!!" I still continue to yell.
Everything pierced through me, sending unbearable pain.
They tricked me. NO!.
It was a simulation. I was so stupid.
All the memories swarmed in my mind and I continue to cry with each passing one, freaking out even more. Not knowing what was real was terrifying. It was like saying your entire life wasn't real.
All the pain that I went through wasn't real, my conversations, what I saw.
How could I be so sure this was real?. It all could be a simulation and my dad tricked me.
No it can't be. But it could.
God. Why did this have to be so difficult?
I don't know.
It was all a lie.
Why wouldn't this be.
It's just fake. I kept repeating in my mind.

"Y/N" I heard a voice yell.

"No, it's not real" I whispered to myself, rocking back and forth.

My eyes were closed but I could hear people screaming and yelling from all over, no one bothering to face me.

"y/n look at me." I could hear a voice say.

"It's not real" I sobbed quietly.
It's not real, it's a lie, it can't be.


"YOUR NOT REAL!!" I yelled at whoever spoke.
I sobed louder.

No one's real, I'm not here. It's a simulation. Don't give in.
He can't trick me this time. I won't let him.
A loud bang was in front of me and I could feel arms grasp my shoulders.

"LET GO OF ME!!" I yelled squirming.

"LOOK AT ME!!" the person yelled.
I shook my head repeatedly.

"Let me." I heard someone say softly.

The person who was holding me before let go of me and was replaced with a softer grasp.
Flinching at whoever touched me I tried getting away but they held me tighter.

"y/n, it's Vicky. Open your eyes"
NO. Vicky was gone. Captured. She's not here.
I laughed. "You're not here." I spat at her.

"Bitch, listen to me!" she swore.

The Assassins Curse Peterparker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now