The New Generation

Start from the beginning

"Hi has the train for Musutafu left yet?" The girl asked as she approached the ticket booth.

"Nope. You made it just in time but I must say young lady, isn't it a little late for you to be traveling by yourself?" The ticket salesman asked.

"Oh you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine." The girl responded as she extended her hand with a wad of cash.

The salesman hesitated while eyeing the money. He slowly reached down and took the money before bringing out one ticket for Musutafu.

"Thank you!" The girl screamed as she snatched the ticket and took off down the platform.

The girl sprinted in and out of the crowds until she found herself at her boarding station. Carefully without bringing any attention to herself, she slipped onto the back car and took a spot next to the window.

It didn't take long for the train to start moving but it felt like forever for the girl. But once she heard the train whistle singling its departure, she couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. Suddenly the girls phone vibrated causing her to peak at the device and after reading the notification, she let out a deep sigh.

It'll take 30 minutes to reach Musutafu. Once I'm there I need to book it to the southern district. If all goes as planned, I'll run into both of them at the perfect time.

Happy with her progress the girl set an alarm on her phone for 25 minutes to wake her up just in time to depart. And with that, the girl closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep.

A sudden white light flashed and the girls eyes fluttered open. Slowly she leaned up and brung her hands above her head to stretch.

"Man that feels good.........." The girl started to say to herself but stopped when she started to take notice of her surroundings.

She wasn't in the train anymore, instead she was in a city packed with people she had never seen before.

But even though she had never seen any of these people before, she could feel something calling out to her.

The girl slowly started walking forward and took a left down the street. With each step she took she could feel the presence getting stronger and stronger. As the girl rounded another corner she took off into a sprint and dashed in and out of the large gatherings of people.

She had no idea why she was trying so hard to figure out what the presence was but deep down her gut was telling her she had to find out.

As the girl rounded another corner she quickly stopped and stared out into a large field that now stood in front of her. The field was like nothing she had ever seen before. It had trees of all colors. It had pink, green, red, heck it even had blue.

A sudden crunch from behind caused the girl to turn around. But as soon as she did, darkness consumed her.


The alarm blasted in the girls ears causing her to quickly grab her phone and silence the device. After that she spent the remainder of her time apologizing to the rest of the people on the train for having her alarm on so loud. As she wrapped up talking to the last person, the door beside her slid open. Not waisting a second the girl sprinted out of the train and made her way to onto the streets.

So this is Musutafu. I can't believe big bro got to grow up in such an amazing city.

The girl suddenly felt a sad smile grow across her face as the thought of her big brother crossed her mind.

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