CHAPTER 3: Not a Snake

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The tall intimidating lady in emerald green robes, Professor McGonagall led us into a stunning hall. The ceiling mimicked the beautiful skies around Hogwarts and the floating candles hovering above the heads of the students left everyone mesmerized. Rows of children sat amongst their house, flurries of reds, greens, blues and yellows, all staring at a stool at the front of the hall. 

The headmaster, Dumbledore, who I had heard about from my parents, delivered an exciting speech, before an ancient looking hat was placed on the stool. "We won't have to wear that will we....?" I whispered to myself, thinking how easy a lice outbreak would be at this school. 

To my surprise, the hat opened a flap in its patchy fabric resembling a mouth, and began to sing, explaining the ideologies of each house. 

This is it.. I thought to myself, picturing my parents proud faces as I told them about my acceptance into Gryffindor. 

"Abbot, Hannah!" Professor McGonagall  called out, and a girl made her way to the stool, where the hat was placed on her head, falling just above her eyes. There was a brief moment of silence before the hat opened its mouth again and yelled, "Hufflepuff!" The Hufflepuff table erupted in applause, and the girl made her way over to join them. My hands began to shake with anxiety, and, surprisingly, I felt a cold hand take my own. I looked up at Draco, and, almost on accident, he smiled softly, before averting his gaze back to the sorting.

Name after name was called, and eventually it was Draco's turn. He walked confidently towards the stool, and the hat had barely touched him when it yelled out "SLYTHERIN!!" Part of me was disappointed, because I had secretly hoped he would make it into Gryffindor with me, but I was happy he was happy. I wondered what this would do to our friendship, as Slytherins and Gryffindors weren't exactly the most common of friends.

Draco beamed with pride as the Slytherin table went wild with applause, and he went over to join them, shortly followed by the rest of his friends. 

Next was Rose, and while deep down part of me hoped she wouldn't make it, I knew she would get into Gryffindor. She strutted across the hall and sat smugly below the hat. Sure enough, it immediately cried out "GRYFFINDOR", and she joined her little gang at the table, casting a smug smirk towards me. 

I began to panic. Of course I would get into Gryffindor, right? What if everything went wrong? What if I disgraced my family name, ruining the perfect line of Gryffindors? No, I could do this, I knew it. But-

"Y/L/N, Y/N", McGonagall  called, her voice booming across the Great Hall, interrupting my thoughts. I felt everyone's eyes burn into me, and my face heated with embarrassment. I felt myself stuck, I couldn't move, I was going to make a fool of myself. I caught Draco's eye from his table, and he nodded encouragingly. 

I took a deep breath, walked up to the front of the hall.... 

And tripped.

In front of everyone.

Light laughter emerged from the hall, and I could feel my face turn a bright red colour. I tucked a strand of light brown hair behind my ear as I held back tears. I could see my sister and her friends snigger and whisper, but I tried to ignore them. 

I finally made it to the stool, and McGonagall placed the hat on my head.

I got a fright as I heard a voice echo inside my head.

Now... what do we have here..? Very odd.. very interesting...

I shook my head nervously.

"It's Gryffindor... r-right?"

Well, this is strange indeed.. Every Y/L/N to ever attend Hogwarts has been in Gryffindor house.. but you... you're different...

"Please.. I need to get into Gryffindor.. to make my parents proud!"

The houses aren't in place for you to please others, I'm afraid.. I believe you need to make your own path Y/N.. you are cunning, ambitious, clever...

"No!! Please!! Don't-"


The voice of the hat boomed across the hall, and everything began to move in slow motion as my world came crashing down. The applause from the table rang loud in my ears as my breathing became heavy.

As I blacked out, I heard Draco call my name, and my vision went fuzzy as I hit the floor.

Zipping in and out of consciousness, I felt myself being carried out of the hall, and as I looked up, I saw it was Draco. I opened my mouth to speak, but felt a searing pain in my head, and lost consciousness again. I felt myself murmur his name as I relaxed into his arms and fell asleep.

Editors note: Hi guys! Sorry this chapter is a little short, I'll be working on some longer ones in the future:)

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