Caden walked in with a smile on his face, I slowly smiled back. “Hey how you feeling?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I’ve felt better but I’m not in any physical pain.” He nodded his head and came over to me, lightly picking me up. We made it to the living room, where everyone was already waiting.

Caden sat me on Adrian’s lap and sat down next to us. I looked over to my mom. Her eyes held so much sadness.

“I’m not going to like this am I?” I asked.

“I should have told you this story a long time ago.” She gave a large sigh. “That man was never your father.” I stared at her with no emotion on my face but on the inside I was freaking out.

“What do you mean he is not my father?”

She looked at Nathan and then at me. “I should start at the very beginning.” She sat back down and got that faraway look in her eye.

“I was sixteen when my parents divorced. Mom moved here, to Alaska with Holly, who was fourteen. I stayed with dad until the summer, where I was going to spend it here. The first week, I did nothing but get comfortable at home, with Holly’s help of course.  That Saturday was the first day that Holly and I went out. We did a little shopping and saw a movie. We went home and swam in the pool but all day we could feel someone watching us. The next day mom wanted to have a nice dinner, so she asked Holly and me to go to the store and grab a few items. On the way out, we both ran into two older boys. They were both larger than normal boys at their age, more muscular. When we ran into them we dropped all of our bags and they offered to buy us new items and escort us both back home. We didn’t think anything of it and agreed. I mean they did mess up the groceries that we had gotten.”

She took a deep breath and looked a Nathan. He gave her hand a squeeze.

“They told us their names were Nathan and Tony. They were nineteen and seventeen.  They walked us all the way home, where mom invited them for dinner. Weeks after, we all hung out and formed a friendship. Well I should say Holly and Tony did. She was only fourteen and at that age was actually shy when it came to guys.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. I turned to look at Holly, the known wild child.

She looked at me with a smirk, “What? I didn’t become a wild child until I went to college in Cali.” She smiled. “I was actually a very awkward child; glasses, braces, frizzy hair.”

Tony lean down and gave her cheek a peck, “You were very adorable.”

She snorted, “Adorable my ass. I looked like the ugly duckling’s sister.” I shook my head and turned back to my mom. She gave me a small smile and then continued.

“Holly formed a best friend bond with him, while me and Nathan… well there was too much sexually tension between us to ever form a simple friendship bond. So after about two weeks, we began dating; much to my mother and sister’s happiness.

It was the best month and 3 weeks of my life but I knew I couldn’t keep it up, was moving back with my dad at the end of the summer. I told him this and he told me he didn’t care. He told me there was no one else for him and that he would waited until I graduate. I was so happy I couldn’t believe my ears. I told him I’d come back next summer and he told me he’d be waiting.”

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