Chapter 9: Trust me

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"We have past the stairs and lift you fool" she chuckled but stopped when I briefly turned around to grab her hand so she would match my pace. My skin slightly tingled but I cant concentrate on that right now. She kept mumbling things but i ignored her, a car was waiting outside for me and I took out the key, opening it.

"Get in" I said and looked at her.

"What? No I'm tired as fuck and wanted a nap" she went to turn around but I grabbed her arm.

" I will explain on the way please get in the car." I said looking between her and the building. She shrugged and was about to get in when there was a massive explosion from a few floors above us. I pulled Billie into me and shielded her from any falling debris. I was trying to also push her into the car but she was refusing.

"Fucking stop! My family are in there!!!" She screamed at me, tears rolling down her face.

"They aren't, they are safe please get in the car" I shouted at her.

"You're fucking lying they left before us!" She started hitting and slapping me to get off her.

I put my hands on either side of her head so she would look at me, tears streaming down her face. "Billie they are not in there. Please trust me and get in the car" I pleaded with her.

She looked between me and the building then got into the car. I sighed in relief and ran around the car, jumped in and sped off. The drive was silent, she was playing with her rings and sniffling. I moved my hand onto her thigh and rubbed it soothingly. She put her hand on mine and stopped it, I was about to move it off, when she laced our fingers together. I could tell she was scared, I could see it in her beautiful eyes. I squeezed our hands together and we finally arrived at the safe house. She jumped out the car and ran into the house. As I walked in I could hear sobbing coming from her and all her family who were currently having a group hug. I walked over to Emma who placed a hand on my shoulder and I relaxed a bit.

"That was fucking crazy" I whispered whilst watching them exchange hugs and kisses.

"I just can't believe someone is out to hurt this family" she shook her head.

Maggie rushed over to me and hugged me tight, I wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my shoulder.

"Thank you, for protecting her" she whispered and I squeezed her slightly.

"Of course Maggie, I made a promise." I whispered back and we pulled back from our hug and smiled slightly. I received hugs from the rest and so did Emma. Billie had yet to come over to me and as if she heard my thoughts she walked over once her family went to look at the house, with Emma.

"I...sorry for hitting you. I was jus-" she began but I interrupted by pulling her into my arms, she wrapped her arms around my waist and my hands stroked her hair.

"Don't worry about it Bil, I'm just so glad you and your family are safe" I mumbled and kissed her head. "I will speak to all of you about it later, once you all calm down" I said and she pulled back a bit. I wiped her cheeks and pushed some hair behind her ear.

"I promised you from the start, I wont let anything bad happen to you, as long as I'm around you are safe" I smiled slightly at her. Without warning she moved her hand to the back of my neck and pulled me down to crash our lips together. My arms wrapped around her waist as I continued the kiss, whilst hers rested around my neck. I could feel she was still crying slightly so I pulled away. Picking her up so her legs wrapped around my waist and walked us to the large sofa. I sat down, her still straddling me and pulled her into a cuddle. My hands rubbed her back as I whispered 'you're okay' into her ear. I know. I'm being soft right now but she needs this. We stayed like that for a while, Emma came into the room and I looked up at her and smiled. Something flashed across her face but she just smiled back and sat on the other side of the sofa. Billie eventually got off my lap and went to get some water and view the house.

"You two seem close" Emma said. With a hint of jealousy. Did she like billie too? Did I just admit to liking billie?

I shrugged "I've spent a lot of time with her and she needed the comfort just now" I looked to her and she smiled.

"Seems like you needed it too" she chuckled slightly.

"I guess I did" I looked at the floor.

Once everyone had calmed down and settled in, I explained about the inside job. They all looked shocked and I don't even blame them, this is some serious shit.

"But other than the people in this room and Rob, no one else knows we are here" I finished and they all sighed. "Ill keep you all updated,  all other agents have been taken in for questioning so you just have Emma and I for now" I smile at Emma.

After I was finished we all decided to get an early sleep, I locked all doors and windows, set the alarm and double checked the cameras. I was awake a few hours longer than everyone just making sure we were secured. Everything seemed good, this house had about 10 rooms in it. It was massive, I didn't get the chance to pick a room earlier and had no idea where anyone else was. I heard snoring in two rooms so knew they were occupied. I opened a door to a room and heard shuffling in the bed as the person sat up quickly. I recognised it was Billie when she laughed slightly.

"Why you creeping around? You scared the shit out of me" she chuckled and I apologised. When I went to close the door she called out, I pushed it back open.

"Could you...stay with me?" She asked shyly, fuck this girl melts my heart. I smiled and closed the door behind me.

"Turn around" I said, she looked at me confused. "I'm not sleeping in my uniform" I laughed. She moved her head to the side but I know she had intentions of peeking anyway. I slipped off my uniform and popped some of my shorts on which I was holding. I decided to just sleep in my bra and shorts. I looked up and obviously she was staring. I rolled my eyes and got into bed, facing her. She tangled our legs together and cuddled into my chest when my arm went around her. She sighed and relaxed. I kissed her forehead "goodnight Billie" and she mumbled something back. I cant believe I'm falling for her.

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