chapter 1

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On that fateful night of 31t of October 1981 when the dark lord came to kill the savior of the wizarding world Nicholas Potter, the boy who lived harry potter's brother What if Voldemort didn't go to kill the boy but to save a friend

As James and Lilly's potter were having their afternoon tea in the cottage with the sleeping boys upstairs peacefully

James was having an internal battle about his 'loving' wife she was acting strange but he just thought that was because of the dark lord after them so he shrugged it off for now but something deep inside told him it was more he just couldn't put his finger on it

After the lovely tea was consumed by the couple they heard bombing on the door and both potters jumped into action knowing who it is

"Lilly go protect the children I'll handle him," James said getting his wand ready as the door was blown to pieces and Lilly ran up the stairs

"Go away before I make you Voldemort" James yelled at the looming figure with a snakelike face

"James listen to me I didn't come to murder anyone I came to help you" the dark lord replied cautiously as the wand being held by James potter shook

"Stop lying and get out of my house and leave my children alone monster!!!" James shouted again hands shaking violently from the force of the pull he felt towards the man in front of him

"Fine I guess I will have to do this the hard way" Voldemort huffed not happy about hurting the man in front of him he raised his own hand and sent a spell to the shaking man in front of him that knocked him out

"*sigh* I guess it's time to get Hadrian and get out of here before I am caught" the dark lord mumbled to himself

He walked up the creaky stairs up to the room labeled nursery and walked in seeing the ginger women in front of one of the cribs

"Stay away from my children you bastard!!!" She yelled startling the poor children awake the one names Nicholas started crying being scared out of his little mind of what's happening however the child next to him did nothing but look up at the snake-like man with curious eyes until giggling and making grabby hands to the man

"No, harry that man is dangerous you stupid child shut up" the angry women shouted at the child but only received a shout in return

"Fine I will get rid of you my self" the women borough her wand to the child the dark lord saw why she was about to do and had to act quickly and fired his own killing towards the crazy women who saw the stack and smirked moving out of harms way before it could hit her

Unfortunately, the curve hit the silent child before the curve rebound to the man who was startled by how much raw power the baby held at such a young age before displaying into nothing leaving only his robes behind

The ginger women were astonished by what just happened in front of her until dumbledore walked through the door "hello my child what happened here" he asked so she explained what happened from what she heard of James and Voldemort's conversation to what Harry did.

After discussing what to do they changed James memory to not remember anything about his past with the dark side and that night and names Nicholas as the boy who lived

Will We Ever Be Safe??Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora