Dancing under candle light

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Without warning Elizabeth is dragged off by Anthony towards the dance floor just in time to start the next dance. "Anthony what are you doing! I am not dancing, Anthony let me go." But it was too late. Anthony was already bowing to Elizabeth if she was to run off now it would be rude and definitely the talk of the evening. "Screw you Bridgerton." She mutter under her breath just loud enough for him to hear.

"Well that wasn't very ladylike Miss Basset. What would your brother think about you using that language out in public?" With the mention of her brother she looked over to Daphne and him dancing only to be met with one of her brothers irritating smirks. "If you must know Viscount my brother wouldn't not care. Although I have a feeling he will be buying you a drink at the club for this."

As the dance continues a comfortable silence settles itself around Elizabeth and Anthony, "I haven't said that I'm sorry for your loss, how are you and the Duke fairing after the death of your father?" Anthony already knew the answer but he still didn't want to be rude.
"You are one of the few who know how the Duke and I felt about our father. I can't say I'm sorry he's gone, he was never a father to us. I just feel awful for Simon. I know he does not want the life of a Duke, he would much rather hide away and not have to deal with all that." Elizabeth looked sadly to the floor, not in sadness for her father but in fact her brother. She knew more than everyone else in this room. She knew the true reason he never wanted to wed, she knew the true reason they were both presumed dead by the ton.

"He will manage especially with you by his side. And besides he's not alone here he's got Lady Danbury who is willing to help and god knows she's better than most men in this room today. He's also got my family behind him- so have you you know. Any friend of Daphnes is a friend of all of us." Anthony smiled at Elizabeth hoping to put a smile back on her face. He did hate to see her looking so sad although he noted how her eyes had changed to more of a green colour then before.
"Thank you Anthony, I fear he many need all the help he can get. Our father left the estate in quite a state. But enough of the sad talk," Elizabeth paused talking as Anthony dipped her slightly "how come the Viscount is not married. I would have thought Lady Bridgerton would have wanted you to be married by now?" Elizabeth couldn't help but be intrigued for Anthony did have a certain duty to full fill for the family.

Anthony went to reply but suddenly realised it was the end of the dance signalling the end of the first ball of the season. Daphne and the Duke made their way back over to their siblings whilst laughing with each other. "Would you look at that viscount perhaps I've just helped set up the match of the season. They seem to be quite fond of each other." Elizabeth smirked over to Anthony who looked ready to rip her head off, "trust me, my dear sister will never court your brother, even if he was the last male alive I would not allow it." Elizabeth looked at him shocked, in all truth she knew her brother was a rake but she would have thought Anthony would also know the best side of her brother. The funny loving side who would do anything to protect those he loved.

"You talk like you are any better Anthony. I know the company my bother used to keep - you included - and I know some of the things you two have done. So do not speak like my brother is the worse man in the ton as if that is the case perhaps you should look in the mirror- my lord." Before Anthony could reply Elizabeth stormed over to Simon and Daphne, "Simon please let Lady Danbury know that I will be delighted to help her and her staff tomorrow to pack away everything. But in this moment that dance has made me feel rather sick so I shall be heading to bed. Good night Daph it was lovely to see you again, I'll talk to you tomorrow." With that she gave Daphne a hug goodbye and kissed her dear bother on the cheek before giving the viscount a death stare and saying "My lord."

Once Elizabeth was out of earshot both Simon and Daphne turned to Anthony at the same time and said, "what did you say to her?" Anthony was shocked to see that they both wore angered expressions on their faces. Of course he expected it from the Duke for she was his sister, but for Daphne to have the same look shocked him. "I simply told her the truth about a matter in which we will not discuss. Daphne please go find our mother and brothers and inform them it is time for us to head home." Daphne bid goodnight to the Duke and headed off to find one member of their large family.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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