Return to London

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1813 London, England

The sun shone through the streets of the ton signalling the start of the newest season. Much to the delight of many mumma's the rain had subsided and the streets of London were now glowing with opportunities.

"Mumma is this truly necessary! If she cannot breath how do you expect her to walk," the youngest Featherington stated as her poor sisters waist was cinched so tiny a mouse would struggle to fit in.

"Your sister shall walk and curtsy just fine. Now TIGHTER!" Prudence's face turned pale as her lady's maid pulled her corset even tighter.

Across the road, in the biggest house on the block, Daphne Bridgerton was preparing herself for the most important day of her life. Her debut. For you see making a good impression in front of Her Majesty the Queen almost guaranteed a line of suitors at your door. "Daphne we must leave if we are to arrive on time." Violet Bridgerton exclaimed to her oldest daughter.

"Coming mumma" Daphne took one more nervous glance into her mirror and headed down their grand staircase. At the bottom all of her brothers and sisters stared in awe as Daphne elegantly descended the stairs and headed to the door to one of the many carriages that lined the streets. And in a blink of an eye the Bridgertons and Fetheringtons were on their way to the palace to be presented in front of the Queen. What could possibly go wrong?

The Hastings carriage

Elizabeth hated London during the season. It was stuffy, filled with mumma's who have no shame and most of all it was cold. After being abroad for a year and a half her brother and her were not too pleased when they stepped of the boat on the cold shores of England- yes the sun may have been shinning but it was nothing like the heat in the Italy.
"Caught in a day dream sister?" Simon asked.
"No I'm simply thinking about how much I hate London and how I would much rather be back on the sunny shores of Italy enjoying the finer things in life." Simon of course knew this was what his sister was thinking for he was having the same thoughts. London had not been kind to either of them but it had always been harder for his sister to come back.
"I just need to tie up a few loose ends with fathers estate and then we will be on our way I promise." Simon only hoped he would get everything done in less than a month however with the state his Father left his affairs who knew how long the twins would be in London.

"It's your estate now brother, do not forget that. In all honesty I'm not sure why I've had to travel all this way. I could have easily stayed in Italy minding my own business." Elizabeth wasn't too pleased when her brother declared she must accompany him back here.
"You mind your own business? That I would love to see. Elizabeth we both know why you have come with me. It has been far too long since we've been back and Lady Danbury has missed us even if she will not admit it. I also would never leave you alone in a country such as Italy the men there are far too flirty." As much as Elizabeth hated to agree with her dear brother he was right. It had been a year and a half since she has seen Lady Danbury - the longest since she and Simon left when they were 18.

"But brother you've made a mistake. The male population in Italy may be flirty but you my dear brother have choose the worst time for us to come back as, unless it has slipped your mind, the season starts today. In fact I would imagine the young ladies are trying to win over Her Majesty as we speak. But with the season starting all the suitors in London will now be on the hunt for a wife. In all honestly I think you would have been better off leaving me to deal with the flirty Italians- they'd be 10x better than any of the young males here." Elizabeth looked as her brothers face grew irritated. "Well perhaps my dearest Elizabeth one of these suitors will sweep you off your feet and then I'll finally be rid of you. How do you not know it was my plan all along to visit during the season?" Simon smirked at his sister as he exited their carriage.

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