chapter 4 // GUYS IM BACK LOL

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"Its comin'!" A voice boomed, Newt calmed himself and took a deep breath as he heard the screeching halt of the train. 

Thomas' loud whistle signalled for Newt to emerge from the bush he was crouched behind and ran to carriage bringing the others with him. He heard the loud screams of the kids inside, begging for help as he found the spot where he set up his tools.

As Thomas banged on the walls looking for Minho, Elodie and the others, Newt put his pair of goggles on and began working, slicing the metal as if it were skin, digging deep until he reached the other side. He spotted the gang of WCKD soldiers and forced the tool to cut faster.

"Newt!" Thomas shouted, gunshots began to fire in the air

"Almost there!" He shouted back, the metal almost completely free. 

Vincent covered him as the metal clanged to the ground, indicating the next completely crazy part of their plan.

"Newt go!" Newt climbed the ladder swiftly, dodging death as bullets flew at him. He laid low next to Thomas whose small gun bide them time for their getaway, firing back. 

The loud hum of a helicopter was heard overhead and the boys looked up to the WCKD helicopter, Newt was first alarmed then overcome with relief when he realised the other half of the team had been successful in their part of the plan: infiltration. 

As a hook was lowered, Newt and Thomas quickly attached it to a metal loop in the carriage as the same was done to the other four corners and the helicopter above began to defy gravity, lifting the carriage above the ground.

Newt stood his ground as he squat on the ground, not wanting to fall off the edge. As the carriage rocked in the air and the bullets came from all angles, they quickly got away from the WCKD bastards. He was filled with a rush of joy, he would soon be reunited with his best friends, smiling at the Thomas and the rest of the team; cheers of joy replaced the high tensions.


For Newt, it had felt like an eternity before they landed back at the dock, he immediately hopped off the top of the carriage and shrugged off his need to puke: excitement coursed through him as his mind raced with what he would say to Elodie and Minho.

He waited impatiently for the door to be pried open. Newt's heart raced a thousand miles and his stomach began to flutter. Then, Thomas and himself walked in and their eyes scanned throughout the small space:

Kids were all beaten up, chained to the ceilings like animals in a barbaric slaughterhouse. Thomas approached Sonya and Aris, who looked as if they hadn't seen the light in years, they looked rough. 

As he looked through the seats, Newt's heart dropped as every unfamiliar face he looked at was another that wasn't Elodie or Minho. After a few laps around, his eyes grew tired and he sighed, tears threatening to fall but he closed his eyes, he couldn't lose hope now.

"Newt?" A voice cooed, he turned around to see Luke: his face beaten to a pulp almost, so unrecognisable that only his eyes remained the same. 

"Luke, what the bloody hell did they do to you?" 


The room smelt of hot cocoa and sea salt; Newt, Thomas, Brenda, Harriet, Aris, Sonya and Luke sat in one of the many smaller sunlit rooms that their safe haven had. 

After Vincent's address, Thomas wasted no time in regrouping the old team and gathering any of the information they had. Sonya attended to Aris and Luke with a wet dish rag, Luke winced at the slight touches. 

"Took you guys long enough to rescue us." Aris chucked lightly, sipping his drink. The others smiled, Aris hadn't lost his humour. 

"It's good to see you guys." Thomas reassured them gently. "What happened in there?"

"We fought back." Aris smiled.

"Yeah, I didn't really feel like travelling." Luke perked up.

"It's lucky you guys found us at all, we're always on the move." Sonya looked down as she spoke, "Felt like something big was happening." 

"Any idea where they were heading?" Newt asked, his heart still tender from disappointment. 

"All I know is that they kept talking about a city." Aris explained. Newt and Thomas glanced at each other, a city?

"I didn't think there were any left." 

"That's because there aren't, none still standing anyway." Brenda answered. Confusion filled the room.

"What about Minho? Why wasn't he on the train?" Thomas asked them, pain evident in his voice. 

"I'm sorry Thomas, but he was." 

Everyone looked solemn, Thomas slowly left the room, disappointed in himself that his plan didn't fully work. The others slowly left with him some nodding at the survivors as a kind gesture, wanting to give them rest. 

Though, Newt stayed as he still had some questions.

"Hey I just wanted to ask, um, did you happen to see Elodie in the last months?" Newt nervously asked.

"I haven't seen her, we were all kept seperate from each other most of the time but, us three were lucky to be on the same carriage." Aris explained. "We moved around a lot but I only saw Minho once in my facility."

"I haven't seen my sister since that night." Luke quietly spoke, tears stinging his eyes, quietly falling down his face. "I don't even know if she's alive."

Newt rubbed Luke's shoulder to comfort him, quietly holding in his own despair as his own heart shattered into little fragmentary pieces.

"Oh, ok. Um, thanks guys, rest up yeah?" Newt smiled at the group.

He quickly left the hut, immediately going to the ocean shore where he looked out over the horizon and let his own anger take over: 

He kicked the sand and fell to the rocky ground sobbing. 

"Please be alright Elodie." Newt cried, "Please."


HEY YALL! I'm back writing again, I know this is like the fifth time i've come off hiatus but I really wanted to finish this story as best as I can. It's gained HEAPS of traction and love and I wanted to do it justice by finishing the last book in the series :)

Guys, I know my last hiatus had a few reasons for  my leaving but I CANNOT stay away and I'm so eager to finish the original story with all that I got and I have a wave of new ideas for this last book. 

-Ivy xxxx

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