The next day Mary suggested we go to Primrose Hill. She claimed it would give me inspiration. It was also our favorite place to come when I lived with her. I agreed and brought my journal and my favorite pen, just in case. She brought her camera and a sketchpad so she could draw. She always drew the same picture every time we went. It was a tradition she started with my grandad. She said it kept him alive every time she did.

We stayed for about two hours, before we left to get ice cream. I had been able to write something, but anyone could see there was still a sentence she owned. This one was far more obvious, and it was too personal to share with anyone around me.

The poem entitled: Green
Green surrounds me
A color has never been so comforting
Still, I can't stop thinking of Ivy
- Not even sitting next to Mary

It was one of my shorter writings, but I was rather fond of it anyway.

Mary and I had spent the next two days visiting the London tourist attractions like we would always do with Grandpa. I always thought of them to be belittling. They could never show off the true beauty of London. Especially not to people visiting for only a few days. Of course, now I was one of those people. We went to Madame Tussauds, The Tower of London, The British Museum, and a few other places. I rarely spent any time away from Mary, but I had missed her and couldn't see why I would want alone time.  

When it came time for me to leave, I was hurt and grateful at the same time. I would miss her greatly, but she made me promise to call more. I told her when we do shows with dance, I would buy her tickets, and she promised to visit the campus sometime. I knew I would see her soon. I was ecstatic to get the chance to go home to Ivy.

I arrived at the campus and I was so relieved to be home. I grabbed my bags and walked up to my dorm. Ivy was still out, but I tried to take this time to unpack and not go look for her. I had finished putting my books on the shelves and I had just put my last shirt up, when I heard the door open and close softly. I put the bags away in my closet, and looked out into the living room. I saw Ivy standing there looking around as if she could tell something was different. It was terrifying to know she could feel that I was home. I had left no trace of myself in the living room, and we park in different sections.There was no other way for her to know I was here.  I smiled to myself and walked out of my room, closing the door softly behind me.

She ran up to me and hugged me like I had been gone longer than four days. I hugged her back for a few minutes, until she asked all about my trip. I told her how much fun we had and how much I had missed Mary before I went back. She had Armani with her whenever she needed them, so she understood that she wouldnt understand.

I asked what she did while I was gone, and she revealed that she had stayed at Armani's house.
¨Home didn't feel the same without you.¨
I asked if she had fun with Armani, and she told me all about how they let her work at the bakery with them, and she learned how to make pastries. She brought me some, and made plans to teach me.

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