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I took one last deep breath as I walked through.
I viciously blinked my eyes to make them focus and then I see the front of the mansion.
Home Sweet Home.

Not wanting to walk a single step further, I can already feel the depressing aura from here.
Considering it's around 4am everyone should be asleep.
A wake up call sounds fun.
I teleported myself in the mansion just in front of the door, still in my dress, and look around silently observing.
Just as I thought.
Silent as a mouse.
To begin my welcoming I glitch two big pans into my hands. And also brought a megaphone to shout through readying my return.
I take a deep breath ready to die after this but ya live once.  Forgetting the fact I'm already dead.
I begin to bang them together as loud as I can, for about 30 seconds, before I begin to hear yelling upstairs.
Listening closely I hear a few footsteps creaking but not one person has emerged  fully, not daring to leave their rooms.
I take this as a perfect chance, I then grabbed the megaphone and shouted into it
"Guess who's back Bitches!! Did you all miss mee"

I stand in the closed doorway about to shout something else when I randomly hear a soft sound. I listen closely and it progressively gets louder and louder.
It's coming from the hallways on both sides. The closer the sound gets the more it sounds like a heard of elephants running away from a mouse. Wait running? Oh shit that's running people. Thinking I was about to get battered I got in a defensive stance which probably looked ridiculous with what I'm wearing.

That's when I see them all, our eyes met with water filling my eyes, oh I missed them a lot. I see multiple faces on each level and they all freeze at the sight of me. Have I got something on my face? Or did I just get that much uglier. And just like that, they all race to get to the bottom where I'm at and you hear a loud.
Next thing I knew I was knocked over by them all getting dog piled on top of me, with this I giggle.
But remembering what I'm wearing i put an insane face on and now having a dark aura surrounding me. I look at them all and my eyes begin to twitch and I say
"I missed you guys a lot but I swear on your life's if my tiara broke someone is going to pay"
They all slowly got off of me before anyone could say anything Papa teleports in the room.
"Children what's with all the-"
Papa begins to speak but cuts himself off when he sees me. We lock 'eyes' and he opens his arms out for a hug and I run into them like never before.
"Oh papa I missed you so much"
I say hiccuping through my words
We just hugged for a few minutes when he realises the situation. He pushed me back slightly and asked on behalf of everyone in the room "Don't get me wrong sweetie you look absolutely beautiful but what on earth are you wearing"
I giggled and said one sentence
"Bow down to me I'm technically a queen now"
He's taken back by my words and I explain everything that's happened to me I'm the past two months or so.
"So Zalgo is actually good and you formed a pact with him?"
I looked towards him with sass entering my system "Would you had rather me marry him?"
He grumbles a bit but then I say taking advantage of the moment
"Hey papa, can I borrow Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Jeff and Ej outside quickly"
He nodded and the six of us went to a garden opening next to the mansion.
I sit down carefully not to ruin my dress but I'm finally ready to face me emotions after this long. I pat on the ground telling them all to sit with me, which they did.
I took a deep breath and just went out with everything
" I'm gonna be honest. Spending this time away from each other made me realise how much you all mean to me.
Honestly I've given myself time to think and after everything we've been through I can't deny my feelings any longer for you guys.
But the only thing is I can't choose one of you. Because I love you all.
And if you are willing I'd like to maybe try dating one another as equals."
I look back to them and they looked shocked with my sudden choice of words.
Masky was the first to speak up.
" I agree with you Y/n I do like you and I'm willing to date these idiots too for you. I can't lie when I say I have previously developed some sort of feelings for you guys"
Hoodie then went next following up with what he said
"Y/n I'm so happy you could be honest with us all. And I'll sacrifice anything to be happy with you all"
Toby then continues
" I don't think anyone here can lie when we say we love you. Over time the time we've spent were all fell for you and I'm happy to date the others here too as I have done sort of feelings"
EJ then goes next
"Look Y/n I hand to admit I'm the quiet time of person but you looked passed all of our flaws and accepted us good for who we are and we do like each other too even if we act otherwise"
Jeff was the last to go
"What we are trying to say here Y/n that we are happy to give it a chance for you, for us.
So Y/n will you do us the honours and be our girlfriend?"

I felt my eyes begin to water because I've never felt so happy in my life.
" yes yes a million times yes
You do mean you'll show affection to everyone not just me?"
They all nodded and I piled on top of them.
E.j then takes this moment to snap a cheeky photo of me without realising then spoke up
"May I say you look absolutely angelic tonight"

I then blush hard thinking about what he said I chuckled to myself and let out a pair of beautiful white wings and a golden halo floating above my head. I wiggle my eyebrows at them, Making them disappear as soon as they appeared.
They all began laughing making the connection on what we just said.
We walked into the mansion holding hands with each other.

I then excused myself to go to bed as I was exhausted. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was sweaty away into dream land.
About an hour later I got interrupted when I heard creaks around my room, I open one eye to see Toby stood there looking over me, without saying anything he laid in bed with me and I cuddled into his chest falling back asleep with his sweet comforting sent going in my nose, drifting me back to sleep.

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