part 005 - (karl)

Start from the beginning

"AAAHHH!!" Cy let out a loud scream, jumping back when something fell from above her and landed right in front of her, even her birds and Valan flew back at the sudden appearance. After she finally settled down, she looked down at what had fallen and was blown away at the sight of a person. She looked up in confusion and sputtered out weird noises, where the hell did they even come from? There were no trees nearby or mountains, so where on earth did they fall from? She shook her head and knelt down to the ground and looked over the person, she raised a brow at the odd clothing they-- or, well, HE was wearing. Turning him over so he would lay on his back, the man beneath her had messy brown hair and light skin, she could only guess that he had brown eyes. He wore an odd multi-colored hoodie with a teal swirl, black pants, and purple shoes "How odd. I've never seen anyone that dresses like you, dear boy." she muttered to herself, she gasped silently when she heard a groan coming from him.

"who's the boy?"

"where did he come from?"

"he looks weird."

"what a weirdo."

"he doesn't look like he's from around here."

"is he a threat?"

"threat to the goddess?"

"Threat? Don't be ridiculous." she muttered, hooking her arms under his legs and back before standing up, holding him bridal style "If anything, he just looks tired." she said, noticing the dark bags under his eyes, she managed to caress his cheek but hummed when she noticed him actually snuggle up closer to her, she giggled softly "I should take you home, by the looks of it, you took a pretty nasty fall." she starts to walk away but stopped when she noticed that Valan was trying to lift something, she knelt down to where she was and noticed that Valan was trying to lift a book that had the same swirl that was on the boys hoodie and was titled "Tales of the SMP". Hmph, it must be his, with a shrug, she grabbed the book and let it rest on his chest as she made her way home.

(time skip: with karl jacobs)

Karl Jacobs, and interdimensional being that takes the form of a human, has the ability to travel through the depths of time. He cannot control where or when he appears, sometimes going hundreds of years into the future of hundreds of years back into the past from his present, sometimes even a couple years back or forward. After every adventure, both bad and good, he returns to a white realm known as the Inbetween. The Inbetween was a gateway of sorts, for traveling through time and that it served as his "home away from home." The only flaw for whenever he time travelled, other than the fact that he cannot control when or where he goes to, little by little, he begins to lose pieces of his memories. There were many books in the Inbetween written by an unknown author, they each said something different every time he travelled through time but the most common ones were the ones that repeatedly told him that the Inbetween was a safe haven for him and that he should feel at ease, but the ones that really startled him and made him feel uneasy were the ones that read, don't stray from the path.

Karl awoke with a tired and pained groan, slowly raising from the comfort of the bed he was laying in and pressing a hand onto his forehead, writhing a little at the pain his headache was giving him. When he slowly opened his eyes, he gasped silently to himself when he realized that he was in room, but it wasn't just any old room, he recognized the room he was currently resting in. He threw the covers off his body and rushed out of the room, he remembered the layout of the room because of his frequent visits in the past, he found comfort in her humble abode that put his mind at ease. He slid to a stop when he finally found her, her back was to him as she was too busy brewing something so he waited when her hands were away from the table when he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around her, burying his face into her back.

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