part 004 - (philza)

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few minor *spoilers* and theories around philza, not completely sure if I'm correctly but I'm faintly trying to remember what my friend told me about philza and the theories about him being a former god or something *shrug*.

an incarnation means embodied in flesh or taking on flesh. It refers to the conception and birth of a sentient being who is the material manifestation of an entity, god, spiritual or universal force whose original nature is immaterial (taken from google search). I believe an incarnation would have the memories of their past life, so philza doesn't believe that cy is the incarnation of herself.

I have absolutely no CLUE how old immortal!philza is and this is years into the past before the originally plot of the dream smp lore.

that is all.

word count: 11,608

(third person pov)

Philza Minecraft, a man who's lived for many centuries with a single life to his name, a former God, known as the God of Adventure and Wonders, who's blessings were to protect and guide those who travelled and went to new places to explore. The Goddess of Death, who embraced all who fell to early or to late, fell herself for the God of Adventures, they loved each other and nobody could tear them apart no matter what. But he himself was a God who had fallen from grace, breaking the sacred law, he aided a young adventurer who was supposed to meet their demise and enter the Realm of the Dead. As punishment, he was cast out of the Promised Lands to roam the earths as an immortal being, never to once embrace death again. As a former God, the only features he retained were his pitch black wings, mistakenly making people think he was a crow type hybrid. Unlike Cybele, who was punished to roam the earth without a single memory to her being, Philza remembers everything but his memory slowly deteriorates as years go by. 

As a former God, he himself knew who Cybele was before he was cast out of the Promised Lands, they were rather great friends, as well as the fact that he was the many people who looked up to her and respected her greatly. He wasn't an Elder God like herself, since she had many responsibilities and her abilities were greater than his, but she didn't care about hierarchy and cherished him as a great friend, though since Death was practically his lover and she was a former God of Creation and Life before being known as the Mother of All, her and Death weren't always on good terms. As his greatest friend and his lover, the two were forced to put their differences aside when in front of him and act like friends, but whenever he wasn't looking, they couldn't help but make snide comments towards each other.

"How does it feel that your creations always end up in my realm, Cybele? You're doing nothing but wasting your time and power, all I have to do is sit back and watch as you fill my realm with more residents."

"I see where you're going with this, Death, well, two can play that game. So, how does it feel that you don't have the capabilities of creating something, and instead, all you can do is take the lives of those who have passed? All you're doing is ending their stories before they could begin."

"The story only ends if they thing they're the main character."

"What's wrong with believing that you're the main character?" neither lost their smiles as they stared each other down, a downcast over their eyes.

"Hey ladies! Am I interrupting anything?" immediately the tension from the duo disappeared as they flashed Philza a bright smile.

"Not at all my love~"

"Of course not, my friend. We were simply discussing our responsibilities over the mortals."

"That's right, admiring each other's work in our respective realms." he chuckles at them, patting their backs.

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