Nebula stared at me with a strange expression but didn't respond.

I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked laying there.

I thought about turning the lights off and much to my delight, the lights turned off without me even having to touch them.

I then remembered how Nebula snitched earlier about me having powers.

"Don't even think about telling Ronan or I swear I wil-"

"I won't"
Nebula stated, cutting me off.

"How do I know that you're not just lying again?"
I questioned.

Nebula didn't respond but it seemed like it was because she was trying to think of an answer not because she refused to give one.

"Why did you even tell him? The truth this time"
I sighed.

"I already told you"
Nebula replied.

"I said the truth, you was mad at me, that much is obvious but what did I do?"
I questioned.

"It does not matter"
Nebula responded.

"Ok ok fine, goodnight robot tits"
I smirked before deciding to go back to sleep.


The next day I stood in a room with Nebula, Gamora and Ronan.

He seemed to have some sort of meeting planned and for some reason I had a bad feeling about it.

Ronan didn't explain much like usual but all I knew is we was going to see Thanos.

All I knew about Thanos is that Ronan more or less worked for him and that Gamora and Nebula were his adoptive daughters.

The only reason why I was going was because I was Ronan's so called 'second hand', what a shameful title I had.

Ronan seemed to not be angry at me anymore but it's Ronan so he could get angry at any second over a stupid thing.


I got off the ship and saw some purple guy sat in a chair. Not what I was expecting but I certainly wasn't surprised either.

This must be Thanos.

In all honesty I planned to keep quiet throughout this meeting, in fact I think it was stupid that I had to be here.

The first thing I noticed was that even though they was supposedly on the same side, Ronan and Thanos seemed to not be very fond of each other.

I was convinced that Ronan secretly wanted to keep the stone for himself once he found it, judging from how they droned on about the stones.

What's so good about these stones anyway? I thought to myself.

"Ah Gamora my favourite daughter and Nebula"
Thanos said to Gamora.

I felt anger build up inside me towards Thanos. Nebula was there too, why did he point out that Gamora was his favourite daughter?

I gritted my teeth so that I wouldn't say something which I would regret later.

"I didn't just bring you hear to discuss this boys boring politi-"

I then zoned out not wanting to listen to Thanos getting annoyed at Ronan again, although it was somewhat amusing hearing Ronan be nicknamed 'boy'.

However the conversation gained my attention once again, when Thanos declared that Gamora and Nebula would fight each other.

What an asshole. I was struggling to keep my anger tameable as I didn't want to accidentally shoot some powers around as this would literally be the worst possible time for that.

I watched with gritted teeth as Nebula and Gamora fought and Nebula was clearly losing.

I was worried about Nebula, I don't know why exactly but I was.

I heard someone approaching me from
behind and saw that it was the stupid oversized purple grape himself.

"I see you worry for my daughter"
Thanos stated.

"I see you don't worry for her"
I growled.

"She's lucky she's on Ronan's ship now or she would be getting another modification after she looses this battle"
Thanos explained.

I questioned.

I didn't get an answer from him but I quickly realised what he was talking about.

Nebula had many metal parts of her body instead of actual parts and after what Thanos just said I'm fairly certain he was the one who did that.

"You sick bastard"
I hissed.

I took a glance at the fight and saw Gamora push Nebula off the side of the cliff but thankfully Nebula managed to hold on.

I mean I don't think she would be able to get up by herself due to how the cliff is but I'm sure Gamora would help her up.

Just as Gamora was about to help her up, Thanos interrupted.

"Leave her. If she can't find her own way up she's too weak to live"

I clenched my fists, there was no way anyone could get up from there without help.

I was both shocked and pissed that Gamora actually listened and didn't help Nebula.

I ran over to where Nebula was and grabbed her hand before pulling her up.

"What are you doing? He could kill you for this"
Nebula questioned.

"It would be worth it"
I responded.

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