Chapter 1

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It was pretty strange for a human to be onboard Ronan the Accuser's ship, although I believe it was something to do with how well of a fighter I am.

As a child I had no reason nor was I in any position to not accept Ronan's offer. Although if I had a choice I would definitely have chosen a different path.

The whole killing people and destroying planets isn't for me, in my head I'm more peaceful than I appear to be, well I want to be more peaceful than I appear to be.

That is why I get along well with Gamora, a daughter of Thanos who recently got sent to Ronan, alongside her sister Nebula, who hated me.

I don't know why she hated me but she did, at least it seems that way.

However I have a reputation of being a ruthless sidekick of Ronan now, which is a reputation I'm not proud of.

I am also an empath but nobody knew that, I didn't like being an empath and I didn't like using my powers but sometimes I had no control and ended up knowing what people are feeling anyway.

There was other powers I had, I hadn't worked out how to use them yet or what they were, I just knew they was there, deep inside me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard a knock on the door to my room.

"Come in"
I called.

The door opened to reveal Gamora.

"Hey Gammy, want to spar?"
I asked.

Gamora glared at the nickname.

"Later, but Ronan wants you for a mission"
Gamora informed.

"Ugh, of course he does"
I sighed.

"With Nebula"
Gamora added.

"Well this is going to drag"
I muttered.

Gamora gave me a look.

"Sorry I know she's your sister, it's just she hates me and I've no idea why, I'd prefer to go on a mission with someone who doesn't hate me, like you"
I explained, before jumping of the bed and following after Gamora.

"Hey Gamora, who would you say is a better fighter, me or you?"
I asked.

Honestly it's probably debatable, when sparring sometimes she won, then other times I won, but Gamora was the one who earned the title 'the most dangerous woman in the galaxy' but that's probably because she was Thano's daughter, where as I was Ronan's sidekick.

Both are awful titles to have in my opinion.

"It could be either of us"
Gamora replied.

I was about to respond but we was just approaching where Ronan was waiting for me so I decide that I would continue the conversation later on.

"You're here, I have a mission for you"
Ronan stated.

I saw Nebula stood nearby glaring intensely at me.

"So I've heard, what do I have to do?"
I questioned.

"Find out where the Power stone is being held. Do not fail me"
Ronan said sternly.

I answered, bluntly.

"I will not fail you"
Nebula interjected.

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