Part 1

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He finally hit his breaking point as his eyes never left the red mark on the top of his test paper.

Even when the teacher had ended the class.

Even when the students started standing up from their seats, packing their notes and books.

Even when the red numbers started to become undecipherable as his vision blurred.

He couldn't believe it.

He just...

He just failed his exam.


It started when a teacher refused to give Cahaya an exception when he forgot to use a capital letter in one of their multiple choice question, as was stated in the instruction (Cahaya had scoffed at the teacher's poor attempt on trying to confuse the kids who were always used to circling the letter of the answer instead of writing the letter before the number).

"Instructions are instructions." The teacher firmly said as he handed the paper back to him.

"But Teacher—"

"It's just one point, Cahaya. There are many more quizzes out there." The adult said looking amused at the other's insistence.

"But the answer is still "a"- just not capitalized! I'm supposed to be correct in this question!" Cahaya scowled, annoyed the teacher couldn't tell how he was taking this seriously. Don't teachers usually like it when students take their grades seriously? "And that one point was supposed to give me a perfect score!"

His teacher's amusement was now gone and he was starting to look annoyed.

Good, then maybe he can annoy him enough to make an exception.

"You've got pretty high marks in your other exams, this will barely make a dent on your grades." The teacher sighed, "And you failed to follow the instructions so it was marked wrong."

"But it's still the same! I-"

"You failed to follow the instructions. Therefore, it's wrong." The adult had repeated with his eyes boring on Cahaya's.

There was now a slight irritation in them while he continued, "So maybe next time, don't be so incompetent that you can't even follow simple instructions."


"One more word and I might start deducting your grade."

Cahaya was forced to shut his mouth, though he couldn't stop glaring at his teacher. He was so angry he felt like yelling at the unfairness of all this, but instead, he finds himself muttering an apology and leaving the classroom, defeated.

"How'd it go?"Daun straightened up from the wall he was leaning against once he saw his brother finally come out.

"I hate this," He couldn't help but grumble while he continued walking to the direction of the school's exit.

"School?" He could practically hear the other's bewildered tone.

"Everything!" He threw his hands up for emphasis, "I wish we could go back home. Teachers were nicer there."

"I don't know..." Daun mumbled, trying to catch up to him, "I kind of like it here... and we get to be with Tok Aba."

His stiff posture relaxed a bit at the mention of their Grandpa. The old man had been nothing but welcoming and loving to them. It was a little different from when they were back home where their parents were absent at times. Not that he blamed them for having such busy jobs— but it was kind of lonely with the lack of parental love.

Cahaya FailsWhere stories live. Discover now