The stork in the storm pt. 1

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Nick chuckled, "Yeah kid, all you're doing is beating your poor appa up."

Ellis laughed with him, "You're coming real, real soon. Hell, you might even come tomorrow!"

"Dear god, don't give him any ideas."

Ellis snorted before kissing Nick's belly again.

Nick looked out at the other camper, frowning, "Ellis, when are we going to tell them?"

Ellis sat up, "I don't know."

Nick sat up as well, hand on his gut. They had been keeping the baby their little secret for far, far too long at this point, terrified of Coach and Ro's reactions to- well, everything.

"Maybe tomorrow," Nick suggested, "we've got shelter and supplies, so if they abandon us-"

"Nick, don't talk like that."

"We need to be able to handle any reaction, Ellis, including one where we get abandoned."

Or worse, Nick's anxiety urged. Over the months, he'd imagined just about every horrifying rejection of the news. Getting abandoned, getting shot, the list goes on. He even had a nightmare where Coach and Rochelle tried to 'fix' the problem. That night he woke up screaming, only relieved when the baby began doing cartwheels in his gut.

Ellis took Nick's hand and squeezed it, "Okay, we'll try tomorrow."

They were silent, neither knowing how to relieve the grim cloud. The baby kicked, hard.

Nick let go of Ellis, wincing, "Goddamnit, kid!"

Ellis touched his belly once more, "Well hell, you're gonna be awfully strong, princess. Just like the lady you're gonna be named after."

Nick smirked, seizing the moment, "And who would that be?"

"Like I'd tell you," Ellis shot back, his own smirk playing on his face.

Alright, fair enough. He and Ellis had decided to wager on the baby's gender, whoever was right got to name. The only rule was they couldn't tell each other shit about the name they picked out.

Ellis rolled his neck, popping it, "Hey, we gotta working shower and I-"

Nick took his shoulders, "You're shitting me."

"Nope, I don't-"

Nick shot out of bed before he could finish, sprint-waddling to the shower. He turned it on and, sure enough, it fucking worked. He was going to cry in relief.

Ellis came up behind him, laughing, "We're probably about to step into an Ice shower."

"I cannot stress enough how much I don't give a shit. I need this, Ellis."

He shrugged, "Suit yourself, slick."

Nick didn't hesitate to step in. He jumped away from the burning spray and turned it down.

"Ha, looks like you were wrong, Overalls. Just like with the baby," Nick said, trying to annoy him.

Ellis snarked back, "She's gonna be a girl, ain't nothing you can do about it."

"He's gonna be a sweet little boy. I'm the one carrying him, so I know more than you."

"Uh huh, get in the shower, Nick. You smell like ass."

Nick rolled his eyes and went back under the spray, finding it pleasantly hot. He sighed, rubbing his throbbing back. Ellis slipped in with him, kissing his aching shoulders. Nick groaned.

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