14. 💋 Back in the day 2

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She loved men who knew what they wanted, but she never knew how to talk to boys. Plus they only wanted one thing and she had no idea that
some asshole indirectly and unwillingly popped her cherry on the night of her high school graduation party.

The perpetrator was her daddy’s
best friend Tommy.

He got her drunk and fucked her senseless. He did all kinds of unspeakable things to her, making Jadish his love slave for the night.

The next morning she felt good, revitalized, and her body took on a life of its own.

Then an hour later she wound up hugging the toilet, having the
worst hangover of her entire life. Her stomach felt like flames burning hay.

She couldn’t grasp a thought. She didn’t understand why her body was
reacting the way that it did.

She would think about it for months! Years! Tommy was one of the closest people to her, and he would keep the
secret until he died.

Sax asked, “Can I drive you home?”
Please. No Says Me! “I drove to school. I’ll be ok,” she lied.

She caught public transportation to
school four times a week. She was an Education major.

With a minor in computers. She loved .oney and would do anything as far as an education to achieve it.

She didn’t have time for men because she was too busy planning her

Or so she tried to convince herself.

He kissed her hand and her panties were wet. A few people passing by whispered to themselves, eyeing her ugly skirt.

She was beautiful to Sax, she took his breath away. Now if  only he could convince her.

He wouldn’t let her go. “I’ll walk you.”

I can walk myself. What is it with men? “Please, I’m fine.”

A nervous chuckle.

She was avoiding his eyes. He stared her down.

He was gently rubbing her hand. Like a fine piece of crystal.

“Come on.” He was pulling her towards the student parking lot. She was reluctant.

Please leave me alone. Leave me alone, man! “No.”

He was smiling. She was melting, falling into a dark hole which had the pathway to the sunlight.

She actually laughed.

Bingo! he thought victoriously. “Now will you let me take you to your car? How about we go on a date?”

I don’t think so. “Man you can have any bitch you want. Why do you want me?”

He faced her, not letting go her hand. “Because I want a real woman. Not a bitch. And you’re not a bitch.”

She smiled, touching his cheek. She felt like she was dreaming.

Six months into her freshman year of college, and finally a good, sexy black man was talking to her.

“That’s a sweet thing to say.”

“Where’s your car?”

“On the Busway.”

He looked at her blankly. “Are you serious?

Parked where the city bus travels?”

She went in for the kill. “No, Niggah. I caught the bus to school.”

“Well not anymore. Where do you live? I live in Cutler Ridge, a few blocks from the mall.”

“I live in Cutler Manor. Me, my Mama and my ten year old brother.”

“Well, looks like I’ll be taking you to school and home from now on.”

“I don’t give up my coochie that quickly, Niggah. You men only want pussy.”

He was offended. “Nah. Not me. Come with me. Let me share my little blank life with you.”

She found that hard to believe. “Yea, right.”

He held up his palm. “Scouts Honor.” He was serious. She hugged him, saying, “Yea, you can take me home, I have no problem with that.”

“You sure?” he asked, kissing her cheek. She blushed.

“Yes. I’m sure.”

He led her to his car.

"And for the record I haven’t had sex yet, either. I’m still a virgin."

Yes, he thought. A female no other man has had. I got to make this work.

SINCERELY, Jadish Houston Where stories live. Discover now