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The next morning I went to check on Sion to see him awake and sitting up “Mr.Luno come quick”. he came running and so did Ezrin and Maiko, when they see him awake and sitting up looking around, tears filled their eyes and smiles formed on their faces. “how are you feeling son?” “ok my head hurts a little and my knee, but I feel fine otherwise right now” the fact he wasn’t feeling pain from his other injuries was both a relief but also a concern, relief he wasn’t feeling the pain but also a concern because he wasn’t feeling pain. Mr.Luno did a quick checkup, he could feel everything just not those certain spots, his vision was fine, he was completely alert and could understand what we were saying and talk normally. Mr.Luno spent the next 2 weeks helping him recover fully. Then came the day he was allowed to leave the house again. We started with walking outside, and going to the different parts of the homestead. I took him to see Stardust and Lightning, who happily greeted him after so long. After 5 more days it was time to return to school. We followed our old routine and it was like it had all been just a nightmare. I helped him get caught up with school, and after he was fully caught up, we got permission to go riding again. We stayed close to home the 1st few times, and worked our way further out, until we were able to go to the meadow again. Because of the extent that Sion had injured himself, we slowly worked our way back up in everything, until he had recovered fully. He never was completely the same, he had trouble with some limb weakness, and at times he would have trouble with certain activities that required him to think in certain ways, but he never let that slow him down.

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