He paused a bit, "it doesn't mean that they wouldn't do anything wrong. Nice people can make mistakes too. Plus, from the way they treat you, I don't really think they're that nice anymore."

I let out a long sigh. At this moment, Intak held out his hand to block the sunlight that was shining directly on my face.

"I... I don't actually know whether this is normal in a friendship, especially with a large group," I said, "it's not like I'm anyone important. Like what they say, we all get left out sometimes...."

Intak didn't respond immediately. He put his hand down, and leaned down so we're on the same eye level. He spoke firmly.

"Chaerin ah. Friends aren't supposed to make you feel unimportant."

He's right.

So... I've been with the wrong people this whole time?

I widened my eyes, my breathing becoming shaky.

Sure, knowing that I'm not supposed to be with those people, I would cut off the friendship, or drift away from them. Right?

But the problem is...

"But... I can't stop being friends with them," my voice became quiet, "they are the only people I hang out with—"

"You still have me," Intak cut me off, making me laugh a bit.

"No I mean, we talk, but you usually hang out with the other guys."

"And from now on you can hang out with me."

I was speechless for a while. "You know, just the sight of us standing together looks weird for everyone else, let alone hanging out..."

"But we already started hanging out since a few months ago, just outside school. No one in the class said anything even after I reserved your seat next to me for the new school term." Intak seemed a bit frustrated.

"I promise, I'll be there whenever you need me. I just wanted you to be treated better. You don't deserve to be the only one giving without getting anything in return," he said.

I've never seem him speaking so sincerely before. At the same time, I was touched by his words.

Honestly I was about to give in, but I told him my last concern.

"I can't exactly leave them though, I mean, they even celebrated my birthday, I'm still their friend," I chuckled. "Man, I feel bad for thinking them as bad friends..."

"You can walk away from them when they upset you, and you can come to me. It's not bad to put yourself first."

Man, I didn't know this guy here can say such comforting words.

I smiled, "I understand. Thank you so much."

Intak smiled and patted my head.

"Do you want to have lunch together later?" he asked.

"Sorry, not today. I have plans with someone."

"Oh... okay then, what about let's eat something after school?"

"Yeah sure."


As soon as the bell rang, I grabbed my wallet and phone and ran out of the classroom.

We only have a 1 hour long lunch break, and I still had to take the train so I needed to be quick.

When I arrived at the train station we're supposed to wait at, I was suprised to see Keeho and Shota already there waiting for me. They were chatting happily as if they've been friends for years. Isn't this the first time they meet each other?

Amelioration || Choi JiungWhere stories live. Discover now