~Chapter Two: Unlucky~

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"Yes?" you asked him. He ran up to you as fast as he could. "Ummm (n/n) you left your cards on the table earlier so I thought that I'd give them back to you", he explained,panting, "A-also can I umm... c-can I have your number please?" You stare at him, surprised. Your crush is asking for your number and you're freaking out interally but you still try to keep your cool. "Well we've been friends for three months so it only makes sense" you laughed. You guys swap phones and put in your numbers. Then you two say your goodbyes and head home.

When you finally arrived home, you got ready for bed. You took a shower, brushed your teeth and hair; and put on your (f/p) of pajamas. As you were going to bed your phone recieved a texted. It was from Ryota. Next to his name it said "your favorite house pet" with a dog emoji. You laughed and began to read his text "Goodnight (n/n)" he texted you with a blushing smiley face. You quickly replyed, "Goodnight (n/n)" with a happy face. Then you quickly drifted off to sleep.

The next day you quickly put on your uniform and arrived to school at 6:30am. While you waited outside of your first period class, you felt a soft tap on your shoulder. It was Ryota. "Hi Ryota!", you exclaimed as your cheeks turned light pink. "H-hi (y/n)!", he replies shyly, "As your house pet...what exactly do I...uhh have to do?" He looked down at his hands nervously and began to fidget. "Well it would be nice if you could help me with (w/s), the homework has been difficult lately. I would also appreciate it if you could help me with my chores if that isn't too much trouble; they've been piling up lately", you explained.

"That's it?", Ryota's eyes widen. Normally whenever he became a house pet, he would become his owner's personal punching bag. "What do you mean?" You asked him. "Well normally house pets are forced to complete more distasteful tasks, so I'm quite surprised that you're going so easy on me; since most people take advantage of the house pet system", he explained. "That's insane!", you yelled,"house pet or not people should treat eachother with respect." "Woul-", Ryota began to ask before the bell cut him off. "What did you say Ryota?", you asked him. "N-nothing...it's not important at all", he replied, very flustered, "let's head into class now."

While you sat in class you couldn't stop thinking about the house pet system and how cruel it was. No wonder Ryota was sooo nervous to play against you, he was worried of being taken advantage of again. Throughout the day you just couldn't stop thinking about it and Ryota. He was sooo adorable and you just couldn't believe that anyone could treat him so horribly. If you were going to make him do something distasteful, you'd probably just order him to be your boyfriend or something; nah you wouldn't, since you don't want to force him to like you. If he ever did fall for you, you'd want it to be genuine. 

Finally after all of those classes, you had to go to your last class with Ryota, and honestly you were pretty excited about it. "H-hi Ryota" you replied, your cheeks bright red. "(Y-y/n) are you sick?", he began to worry. "N-no everything's fine Ryota, don't worry", you reassured him. "B-but your face-" you gently placed your index finger over his mouth, silencing him. He began to turn bright red as well. "(Y-y/n)", he looked up at you very flustered, "C-can you stop n-now, please?" "Oh sorry" you replied, realizing that your finger was still pushed against his soft lips. You couldn't stop staring at them.

"U-umm (y/n)? Is there something on my face?", he asked nervously. "N-no I was just day dreaming...I-I didn't mean to stare at you", you explained, very flustered. "Well...what were you daydreaming about?", he teased you. "Oh it's nothing", you explained. "Are you sure?", he questioned you, "I feel like you're lying to me." He smirked at you. "Well the truth is...I-I was just thinking about this cute guy in my (e/c)", you lied. "Hmm...well I believe you" he replied. He was a little disappointed though since he had feelings for you as well.

"Welp we better head into class now", you said not wanting to continue the conversation. "Very well" he replied, his hand brushing up against yours. He wanted to hold it but he wasn't sure how you'd react.

             ~To Be Continued~

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