Howls Part Two - Dreamies

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Bonjour, another long one. I really like writing these might do another. Not sure yet. Also if you ever wanna request a member feel free to, I know I'm not the best writer but  I can hopefully scrap something decent together for ya. 

The time had come for you to bid adieu to your cozy, comfortable bedroom to bare the harsh autumn night. Your bed sheets were rumpled, inviting you back to your previous position - not caring about the howls that were louder than the nights before. However, you cared. Tonight was the night the howling would stop. 

Locking the apartment door behind you, you were surprised to be able to hear Jisung's snores all the way from outside, you silently gave Chenle your sympathies. It was as if his snores were being amplified by a speaker, for Christmas you were definitely going to give Chenle some new headphones. You didn't have time to dwell on Jisung's deafening choking noises - even though you noted the fact that he should see someone for that. 

                                            . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 The howling sounded closer tonight, as if each night they progressed closer and closer to your dorms, taunting you. The fastest route would be through the park and past the library that bordered on the edge of the small forest.

The air had a nip to it, a dry wave of cold ran through your body before latching onto your bones. Your rage helped keep the cold at bay, as you strode purposefully past the park. The usually ten minute walk hastened to five as your body worked off its anger. The apartments beside the park were nothing but a dark blur. No lights in any window - as if the howling had no effect on them. 


You continued your stride, not noting your name being yelled. You were focused on the now incoming edge of pine trees, the howls dauntingly close as if they had expected you to come tonight. You moved to race past the library but were stopped when a hand clamped itself tightly on your shoulder. 

You pirouetted, shocked by the appearance of another person this late at night. "Mark?" 

He smiled goofily down at you, "Lee, yes." he looked between you, then the forest that was mere steps away. "What are you doing up Y/n? You should go back to your dorm. Jisung will be worried about you." 

You shook your head, pressing your hands together for warmth, Mark noticed and grabbed your hands between his rubbing them to create some heat. "With Jisung's snoring neither of them know that I'm gone." 

He chuckled lightly, but his gaze rested on the forest behind you. His eyes glanced to your hands encased in his callous ones, "Y/n, go back." 

You stared at him open-mouthed before changing your expression to one of defiance, "No. This stops tonight." 

"It won't," Mark sighed, knowing that whatever he were to say would be falling on deaf ears. "They do it for fun, it's stupid Y/n." 

You shook his hands off as his eyes met yours, he looked resigned - recalling memories of better days. "It was fun but I - I had to grow up. Y/n move on, like,  invest in noise canceling headphones, buy a white noise machine. Anything but going in there ... to see - see them." 

You shook your head turning away from Mark and setting course for the small crop of trees. You felt his fingers reach for yours but took a large step to avoid being pulled back, "There's no need to overreact Mark." 

With a glance over your shoulder you watch as a small smile graces his lips, he shakes his head pulling you back quickly into his chest. "Just be careful, you dummy." His lips brush over the crown of your head, the heat from his body stayed with you as he shoved you towards the forest softly, waving his hands in a 'get going movement.' 

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