Doyoung - Comfortable

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The keys of the piano gleamed, the only light in the studio coming from a dim lamp placed beside Doyoung's music sheets. Illuminating his hand as they danced across the keys. 

The whole building seemed to still, as if it were -like you- entranced by Doyoung's music. He's been practicing for an upcoming cover, perfecting every detail in his spare time.

 You happily tottered after Doyoung. Whenever he left so would you, following him to the small practice room to relax and listen to his soothing voice. 

You and Doyoung were particularly close, even though neither of you were sure how that had happened. You two weren't overly talkative with each other and yet whenever he was around you felt a sense of comfort, as if, if you wanted to you could talk for hours and know that he'd be listening to every word you said. 

You weren't sure if Doyoung liked you following him but he had never objected to your presence, so you took this sign of indifference as an invitation. 

The piano where Doyoung sat was in the corner of the small, feebly-lit room. You were lounging on the couch opposite him, facing his back and watching the muscles ripple as he pushed the keys down harder, his emotions visible while he sang. 

The song came to an end and you clapped quietly, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere his voice had created. 

Doyoung turned, an embarrassed smile taking over his features, "Did you like it?" 

"Yes!" You loudly exclaimed. " I mean - yes, yeah. Of course I liked it you're voice is just, wow - I mean-" 

You paused, feeling yourself blush furiously as Doyoung began to laugh softly. You smiled, but maintained  eye contact with the floor, refusing to meet the eyes of this perfect man while you were a bumbling mess. 

"Why don't you come sit over here?" You glanced up to see Doyoung patting the bench he was sat on. "The acoustics over here, really give my voice that Wow factor." He said teasingly. 

Before you could process what you were doing you were sitting next to Doyoung, feeling his thigh brushing against yours. He stretched his fingers, letting his head lull back before sitting up straight again. Up close you noticed the bags under his eyes, the way he moved languidly. He seemed exhausted using all of his energy to perfect this song - every last detail of it. 

"Maybe, you should sit on the couch." You remarked. "You look drained." 

Doyoung shook his head, resting his hands on the piano, "I'm fine Y/n." He turned to see you frowning at him, "Really. I'm fine." He stated, reaching one hand up to ruffle your hair. 

Your heart fluttered, but the frown remained glued to your face. Doyoung turned mimicking your frown, leaning in closer. Your previous blush reemerged enthusiastically, a scarlet red painting you cheeks as you noses touched, Doyoung's teasing frown was replaced with a caring smile. 

With a casual cough you whipped your head around to turning back to the piano. You flexed your hands, "Ready to be wowed by my musical skills?" You asked, trying to ignore how close you two had gotten, "You're not the only one who knows a thing or two on the piano." 

Doyoung leant his shoulder onto yours, "I'm not? Alright Y/n, wow me." 

You laughed readying your hands to play Mary had a little lamb, quietly hoping that he knew you were only joking. 

                                                                        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

"Wait no, that was the wrong note." You sighed jokingly. "I guess I'll have to start over." 

Doyoung laughed, placing his hands over yours, "No. Please don't. This is the fifth time you've restarted, I didn't know this song was so advanced." 

You shook your head turning to face him, "No, this time I've got it. For real, the other times were just practice." You gave him you're best puppy dog eyes, puffing your lips out into a pout. 

However this didn't seem to change his mind, his hands squeezing yours. "How about we learn twinkle twinkle little star?  Maybe that's more your speed." He smiled, raising an eyebrow. 

You scoffed, "Please, even I know how to play that. Let me show you." 

You smiled confidently, attempting to pull your hands from Doyoung's grasp, however he wasn't budging. You let out a soundless sigh, "You're not going to let me play, are you?" 

Doyoung shook his head, letting out a small laugh, "Not after that Mary had a little lamb catastrophe, darling." 

Your eyes widened, were you hearing things or had he really just called you darling? Doyoung realizing what he'd just said, turned to the piano and began playing loudly. You smiled, leaning over to place a light peck on his cheek, before watching his hands dance across the keys.

You cleared your throat over the piano's loud music, "Can I play the tiniest part-" 

Doyoung played louder, a grin forming as he shook his head mouthing 'Sorry, I can't hear you.' 

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