Emptiness causes Insanity

Start from the beginning

'We wanted to tell you of our condolences of the passing of not only your family but your people also. We will assist you in any way possible.'

'... in that case it would be helpful if the three of you take the job as rulers of Asgard until my return. Ensure everything is well in the releams and in Asgard, I can't stay here to do it myself'

They looked at eachother with their lips pressed into a thin line when hogun spoke

'We would be honoured'

After talking with my friends about the duties they should follow through with I went to get Loki. It was time we went back the earth, back to get our revenge.

'Loki' I knocked at his door

No answer

'Loki come on. We need to go'

No answer

'Loki please'

'Thor... I am not in the form to deal with your presence right now'

I expect him to be moody

'I know. Please can I come in?'

He huffed a breath 'fine'

I opened the door and walked in closing the door behind me.

The state of his room was shocking. All furniture broke. The window smashed. The door to the bathroom had a hole from, what I'm guessing was a punch straight through it.

He sat on the ripped up couch. Looking completely broken. Given I know it was for our mother's sake. She wouldn't want him to be like this.

'We will get out vengeance brother. I promise you that now' I said walking towards him

'Oh I know we will. On that revolting creature and his army of soulless goons'

I see the fire in his eyes.

I smiled down at him and held my hand out to help him up. He grabbed on to my wrists and I grabbed his pulling him up.

'Let's get our revenge and get back what belongs to me' he said. The two of us standing facing eachother still gripped onto the others wrists.

'Let's' I smiled

Thanos will pay.

Tony's POV ~straight after Loki left~

'So we get Helen Cho here and she will build the body and all we have to do is transfer JARVIS and the mind stone and that's it?' Bruce asked looking slightly dumbfounded

'Yup' I replied munching down on a piece of pineapple

'ANTHONY STARK!' Was heard in the background

Oh shit its pepper. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh fucking shit I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm gone. She's going to kill me.

'SHIT! Bruce I was never here' I whisper yelled

'OH, you were here alright!' She yelled from behind me


'Ohhh pepper, when did you get here. I didn't hear you come in'    I am terrified

'And you didn't bother to tell me OUR daughter was TAKEN AGAIN. YOU HAD RYAN DOWN IN FINANCE TELL ME!'

'Look pep I know I should have-'

'Guys I think I'm just gonna go..' Bruce said slowly standing up then making his way to the door

She stood staring at me. Her nostrils flaring. I've never seen her more angry.

'I'm waiting tony' she said, her eyes even wider than before

'Uhh well, you see. I- uh' then I looked at the blue prints for the Android 'I was busy making an Android to help us'

'An Android. You're really going to pull that excuse out on me.' She walked over to the blue prints and picked them up 'you've been thinking about doing this for a long time now. You really want me to believe it took you any longer than... say 12 hours to work it out?'

I couldn't look her in the eyes.

'I'm sorry. I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I couldnt let you know I failed again'

She took a deep breath 'I'm not annoyed because of that. I'm annoyed because you didn't tell me. We're gonna get her back if it's the last thing we do' she said putting her hand on my shoulder

'I miss her face' I said taking her hand and placing it to my lips looking up at her

She chuckled 'let's get the Android bui-'

The building started to shake. The sound of an aircraft came loud and clear.

'What?' My eye widened 'is he back?!'

'Suit up! I'll get the others!' Pepper shouted running out of the lab

He can't be can he?

'JARVIS, hit me would ya' and then my suit came flying at me. This always feels so cool!
Not the time stark.

I flew out the window to the landing bay where I say a ship but it was a hell of a lot smaller than thanos and I saw the rest of the guys running to the door to get out to the ship.

I landed at the door beside Peter.

'Mr stark what's the situation'

'No idea kid. Was thinking thanos but the ship isn't familiar'

'Got it'

The doors to the ship opened. We all took a deep breath to prepare and took our stances.

We seen some dark figures coming from the shadows of the ship.

'AVENGERS, ASSEMBLE' Steve shouted when the figures got closer to the door of the ship.

You will be mine. An avenger + Loki fan fic Where stories live. Discover now