kidnapping a prince

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The Kingdom of strength 

     "Owoooo!" a howl rang out into the dark night. Kaitlyn jumped up from the chair she had been sleeping in, now fully alert as the sound of metal boots banged down the hallway. Seconds later Tim bursted through the door wearing a dark blue cloak. He rushed past her to a table in the corner of the room. he jerked the drawer of it open and started digging through the stash of papers inside.

     "Was that the signal?" She asked anxiously walking next to him. Tim nodded as he continued to frantically search through the drawer  before pulling out a book and a couple of scrolls "But it's too early, we aren't prepared"

     "We don't have a choice, Nygma betrayed," he said throwing the rest of the papers into the fireplace "We do this now are everything is lost"

     "Okay," she said taking a deep breath "I'll go get the  prince and meet you on the edge of the woods"

     "Here take this!" He called tossing her an old leather book.

     "Thanks" she nodded before rushing down the hall. She slipped through the servant's passage to avoid the guards. "Get up" she ordered enter Damian's room "we're going training" she then ran to the prince's room waking him up "We're going out training"

     "I don't remember a training session today," he said getting out of bed. 

     "A good Price is ready for anything" She reminded him opening the door.  

     "I'm always ready"  he snapped as she led him down the back stairs.

     "Sure " she rolled her eyes as they entered the stables, luckily a friend had already settled. They both got on to the houses and rode out of the kingdom walls with Kaitlyn leading the way.

     "Why are we going so fast?" He asked suspiciously.

     "You'll see," she said leading him toward the edge of the woods where to was waiting.

     "Drake" Damian glared.

     "Brat" Tim said mockingly before turning  to Kaitlyn "everyone got out safely"

     "Good" she smiled letting out a sigh of relief. 

     "What is he doing here?" Damian demand "And what do you mean everyone got out"

     "We're taking you to meet your father" Tim informed him

     "What that can't be grandfather said he was dead" Damian crossed his arms.

     "Yeah your grandfather says a lot of things" Kaitlyn pulled out the small book handing  "this is a book of the eight kingdoms your grandfather has broken the code and used magic to spy on them"

     "So my dad is a king?" She nodded "Why are you so interested in me seeing him?"

     "Ra's isn't the man you think he is" she looked at the castle "he plans to take over all eight kingdoms killing off half of the people"

     "Wait this says my father is King of the kingdom of Shadows but we're going towards the kingdom of Brotherhood" Damian pointed out Crossing his arms.

     "Before you meet your father I need to train you to be a proper king," she said.

     "Oh please I have been training for this all my life" he scuffed.

     "You've been training to become a monster" she sighed listening to the sound of horse hoofs could be heard in the distance.

      "Looks like your plan isn't going to work" he commented as the horsemen drew closer.

     "Get back" She ordered pushing him deeper into the woods. Once she was sure he was out of the way she raised her hand and mumbled something he can't quite make out. 

     "What are you-" Damian was cut off as the sky over their kingdom turned a dark purple. In a flash the kingdom 

"Are you okay?" Tim asked Kaitlyn as she leaned against her horse breathing heavily.

     "Fine, that spell should keep them trapped for a couple of weeks" She sighed "hopefully long enough to prepare the other kingdoms"

     "It will have to do," Tim said looking back "You two go ahead I'll catch up"

     "Be careful" Kaitlyn warned. Tim gave a small nod before riding off. 

     "That was magic" Damian stated "You are a sorcerer, aren't you worried the other kingdoms will execute you?"

     "Not if they don't know," she said getting back on her horse "now come on," she said leading the way.

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