Start from the beginning

The female partner looked amused at the face Rhodes was making. She found the purposely confusing message funny. She suppressed her laugh by bowing her head.

"And let's say, hypothetically of course, that we did rob the bank. What evidence would you use? There's nothing to prove your point other than the one thing that would make the FBI a laughing stock."

"And that is?" the woman asked, her smooth voice carrying a French accent.

Eva smiled and leaned back against her chair.


Dylan scoffed and ran a hand down his face. He began to flip through her profile again to recollect himself.

"I can see that you're clearly more intelligent than your peers. They look up to you," he stated, probably to try and goad her ego, "The kid next door won't shut up about you."

Eva faked a grimace, "Oh, is that Jack? Sorry about him, he's just a little obsessed with making me feel emotional. All that vulnerable shit, you know?"

The female agent couldn't hold back her laugh this time. Eva smiled at the reaction.

"Well maybe you'll talk a little more if I put him a prison cell with gangsters and murders," Dylan threatened.

She rolled her eyes and simply shrugged casually. She waved her hand dismissively as well.

"Jackie's a big boy. He can handle himself."

The agent groaned in frustration. He abruptly stood up and slammed his hands against the table, leaning closer to her face.

"What tricks are you playing?" he shouted demandingly.

She narrowed her eyes with a cold smile, "I don't need to play tricks when you're fooling yourself, Agent Rhodes."

She flourished her uncuffed hands in front of him. Both agents expressions turned confused until Dylan tried to pull away but was brought back down by the cuffs around his wrists.

He grunted as he tried to pull them off. When it wouldn't budge, he huffed. He felt disdain by falling for the same trick by both Eva and Danny. He looked back up at Eva, who held the key delicately in her hand.

"I'll let you go once I get my donut."

The female agent scoffed and stood up to snatch the key away. But Eva flicked her hand and it disappeared from their sight.

"I thought you didn't play tricks," the woman reminded.

The magician shrugged sheepishly, "They're just too much fun to resist."


"I never thought I'd say this, but damn it feels good to outsmart the FBI!"

Eva whooped loudly as they walked out of the secure facility. The others laughed at her as they got into the car waiting for them. Jack held the door open for them and slid in last.

"Anyone up for some celebratory champagne?" Merritt asked rhetorically, already popping open the bottle.

They cheered as he poured their glasses.

"To magic!" Henley shouted.

"To the Eye!" Danny added, raising his glass in the center.

"To those poor FBI fools," Merritt contributed.

"And to their terrible interrogation skills!" Jack said. He clinked his glass against Merritt's.

"To the Five Horseman!" Eva shouted.

They all let out one big cheer as they hit each other's glasses and took big swigs of the alcohol.

They kept celebrating until they reached their temporary apartment building. Once they unlocked the door, they found everything to be neat and tidy. It was surprising since the FBI had searched their entire place.

On the kitchen table was a vase of flowers with a note. Eva lazily picked it off and read it aloud, "Well done on the show. Can't wait for the next one! Meet me on the jet ASAP. Sincerely, Arthur Tressler."

They all simultaneously groaned at the sound of the name. They were tired of kissing this guy's ass just for the sake of the plan unfolding.

"I can't wait to expose him," Meritt said excitedly. He flopped down on the couch and adjusted his fedora over his eyes.

"Same here," Eva agreed, "But I gotta admit... the man knows how to give flowers."

She delicately picked at the flowers and admired them. Jack came up to her side as she briefly set her bag down. As she turned away, he swiped a flower out of the vase and held it up.

When she turned back around, it was right in her face. She stumbled back in momentary shock before realizing that Jack was behind it. He held a playful grin on his face as her dramatically bowed and presented the flower to her.

She rolled her eyes and it from his hand, "Dork."

She pecked his cheek and walked past him to go pack her things. Once she was gone, Jack just stood there with a blush on his face.

Merritt groaned from his spot on the couch where he tried to nap,

"You guys have more tension than that agent and his French partner."


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