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The hot bath was a luxury.  After months upon months of bathing in the creeks and streams, this was a gift. And to have total privacy? And to take as long as she wanted? It was blissful.

She stayed in the bathwater until it became cold. Now that her hair was clean she took to it with a knife, hacking off the long dead ends and broken hairs, leaving the long red locks down to her shoulders whereas before it had been down to her lower back. 

When she returned to their barracks she heard what sounded like a Spanish curse word and found Pero struggling with a knife, trying to cut down his long beard.

"Pero, your hand is shaking."

He appeared to want to deny it, but then gave in. "After what we saw out there..."

It took a lot to shake these two to the core. They were mercenaries and brutal fighters yes, but they were also still human.

"I know." She had thought one creature - Tao Tei - had been frightening enough, let alone a whole army of them. She took his hands in her own to try and help steady them. "Here, let me help you." She reached out for the knife. "Do you trust me?"

He handed it over, no hesitation, and she set down to work helping him shave off his thick beard in comfortable silence.

"So that's what you look like under there," she said when the last of the facial hair was shaved away. "There, now we can see your handsome face."

He snorted. "William is the handsome one."

"Yes, he is. But so are you." With a smile, she left him to continue getting ready.

Once they were all cleaned and dressed in their washed armour, they entered the dining hall. The general rose to his feet from where he sat at the centre of the head table. They were met by thunderous applause. 

Commander Lin addressed them. "General Shao welcomes you  as honoured guests of the Nameless Order and thanks you for your skill and courage."

"We're honoured to be honoured," William told her. 

"'Honoured to be honured?'" Constanza repeated.

"That's the best you've got?" added Pero, the two sharing a chuckle.  William just cleared his throat awkwardly. 

The Commander in the red armour, leader of the archers, came forward, speaking in their native tongue. 

Commander Lin translated. "Commander Chen thinks your bow is not worthy of your skill."

"Tell him there's no better weapon here," William defended his precious bow.

She relayed this, making her fellow commanders and soldiers laugh. Then she turned back to them, the outsiders. "They wish to see you shoot."

"In here?" William squeaked. 

Commander Chen spoke again. 

"What was that?"

"He thinks you have fear, too many people," Commander Lin translated.

"Get one of the cups," William whispered to Pero. 


"Yes, get one of the cups."

"I want to eat."

"Yeah, William, get this over with so we can feast," added Constanza, knowing exactly what idea he had up his sleeve. 

Pero, albeit reluctantly, grabbed one of the cups - from the ladies' table, no surprise there - and gulped down its contents before rejoining them.

"You remember how to do this?"

"Si, though last time didn't go too well."

"We were drunk."

"Trying to show off," agreed Constanza.

"Did it work?"

She just shrugged.

"How high?" Pero asked.

"Ten yards. Six hands to the right," William instructed. 

Pero tossed up the cup before jumping out of the way. William shot one arrow, which knocked the cup, the last two arrows he fired embedding in one of the hall pillars - the cup landing perfectly on top, perched upon the arrows. 

The whole hall immediately burst into applause and cheers again. Constanza chuckled with a shake of her head, adding in some applause herself. "Showoff."

Pero just yawned at the whole spectacle. William and Commander Lin were sharing a smile.

"Good luck with that." Pero patted him half-heartedly on the shoulder.  "I want food."

On that note, they piled their plates high and seated themselves amongst the Wall soldiers. Well, William did, sitting across from Commander Lin, while Pero went and sat himself in a quiet corner alone.

"You looked lonely over here all by yourself." Constanza took a seat across from him. 

He didn't answer for a moment, already stuffing his face full.  "William's too busy flirting with the lady soldier."

"Commander Lin."

"How do you know her name?"

"I asked her. Simple as that. And he's asking her questions. Just because a man and woman are talking doesn't mean they're flirting. Like us, now. Are we flirting?"

"Well I'm not."

"Neither am I." She bit off a large piece of bread.  "So there, my point exactly."

They ate in comfortable silence, that is, until Ballard joined them, taking a seat at their table. "Pace yourself, my friends. The meals are regular here," he said as he watched them continue to shovel food into their mouths, barely breathing. 

"I hope to not be stuck here that long," Pero grumbled. 

"I like your thinking, but I strongly suggest you keep your plans private. You're not the first Westerners to come here looking for black powder." 

"What did you do to get yourself trapped here for so long?" Constanza asked him through a mouthful of food. "Must have been pretty bad."

"Nothing. I arrived and that was that. Any outsider who bares witness to the secrets of the Wall. The same as you three." Then he nodded to William still talking with the Commander. "He should be careful with her, she's very powerful here."

"I like that," said Constanza.  "A woman holding such power."

"Then it is a fair contest." Pero was still shoveling food into his mouth and showing no signs of stopping.

"We'll discuss it further tonight - bring your partner." With that, Ballard left them to continue eating. 

Pero looked over his shoulder to where William and Commander Lin were still engaged in conversation. "He's not moving  anytime soon." 

"Think we should be nervous?" she wondered aloud. 

"We should be excited, we're getting out of here - and I don't care how we do it." 

(Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :))

Souls That Burn - Pero Tovar (The Great Wall)Where stories live. Discover now