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William was right - whatever it was out there, it was most definitely hunting.

Which only meant more danger for them.

They had already bared witness to this creature taking away their companions without so much as a trace - well, a trace of cut-off cries and a long trail of blood. And they knew that if they let it happen, they would be next, and would meet the exact same fate.

The three backed up together, weapons drawn and ready.

Something scampered nearby through the tall grass. William swung his sword, and there was a sharp cry but then nothing. 

"What is it?" 

"I don't know - I took it's hand."

"The blood," Constanza cried, nodding to Will's sword. "It's - green..."

"You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I have. That's the same kind of creature that killed my father."

"You're sure?" asked William.

"Absolutely certain."

"What the hell," he breathed.

"I know what I saw - or rather I know that I didn't know what it was when I saw it."

"We need to move!" hissed Pero. Looked like they had another long, sleepless night ahead of them. 

"Agreed. I'll take the hand with us," said William.

"What the hell for?"

"So someone can tell me what I just killed."


It took two days for the raiders to catch up to them again. They could just make out the group in the distance.

"And I thought we were rid of them," she sighed. 

"Persistent bastards, aren't they?" said Pero. 

"We'll take the rise, make a stand there," William decided. 

"What a long shitting way to go to die," grumbled Pero.

"There's that infectious optimism we all know and love," Constanza poke at him.  "Hey, we're not dead yet."

They urged their horses onward, charging up the hill. 

When they reached the top, they drew to a sudden halt - they could move no further.

"Mother of God-" Even Pero was speechless.

An enormous fortress climbed high above them at the top of the hill, towering over them -literally. A vast stone wall stretched as far as the eye could see, and far beyond, towers placed along it. 

They had arrived before one of the towers, and were greeted by red-clad archers.

"I have no need to go down fighting," said William. 


"I say we take our chances with the gents in front of us."

"You're joking," cried Constanza.  "It seems far more dangerous here than with the raiders." 

"You want to take it up with them?" Pero asked her.  "I haven't surrendered in a while, eh."

"It'll come back to you."

They dismounted their horses and slowly strode forward, weapons raised before dropping them to the ground at their feet. 

"Follow my lead."

Souls That Burn - Pero Tovar (The Great Wall)Where stories live. Discover now