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She hesitated at his words.

"William," said the swordsman.  "Can you blame her? We're looking a little worse for wear, amigo. And she's clearly had a terrible scare." He turned to  her and spoke gently, "Señora, I think you are in shock."

"Aye, I agree," said the bowman, who's name appeared to be William. "It sounds like you've had a severely traumatic encounter. I'm very sorry for your loss. My name is William, and this is Tovar. What's your name?" Despite his rough appearance, William was very gentle.


"It is nice to meet you, Constanza."

"And you."

William offered her a hand up.  "Come, our camp is this way."

She was still hesitant, however, she agreed, and they led her through the trees, one man walking on either side of her protectively. 

When they reached the small camp, she saw there were two other men already there, seated around a crackling fire.

"Rizzetti, Najid, this is Constanza. She will be staying with us for a while," William announced. 

"Who is she?"

"A traveler, like us. She's just lost her father and was attacked by some animal."

Rizzetti eyed her.  "She'll slow us down. And that's just one more mouth to feed. Besides, it's bad luck to travel with a witch."

"And what makes you so certain I'm a witch?" she asked him. 

"That a lone woman has managed to survive out here."

"Maybe she's smarter than you give her credit for," she shot back.

"And you found her in the forest - that is where witches lurk."

"Enough Rizzetti, it's settled: she will be staying with us," William stated. 

"For how long?"

"For as long as she likes."

"Yes, listen to the boss," added Tovar.

Rizzetti grumbled something under his breath, but it was clear enough that he was not thrilled with these new circumstances. 

William got her something to eat which she gratefully accepted and sat around the fire. 

She didn't even realize she was staring at Tovar until he spoke. "A battle a few years ago. I almost lost my eye."  He was referring to the scar across his left eye.  

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare."

"Everyone does.  I'm used to it."  He shrugged.  "It scares most people away."

"Not everyone."

"You're not scared?"

"Not of you."


Six months later...

One thing she had quickly learned about travelling with William, Pero, and crew, was that there were a lot of chases. 

The crew currently found themselves engaged in one across a sandy plain, chased by hill tribes. 

"Najid, cut the horses loose!"  ordered William, turning and firing an arrow behind them.

Najid did so, and the extra horses rode off in another direction, kicking up a cloud of dust from the sandy ground, allowing the group to duck behind some rocks for cover.  

Souls That Burn - Pero Tovar (The Great Wall)Where stories live. Discover now