Time To Escape

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With Indy...

A faint light appeared, allowing me to see everything more closely. Spine-claw was sleeping while Aqua-Fang was in a bad condition. He had cuts and scrapes from every inch of his body. He had a crooked and twisted eye, though he was not dead. He was knocked out. By the looks of it, for one more hour. And we were in a cage. Spine-claw yawned and woke up and flinched when he saw me. Honey? Is that you? It is me, I hissed heartwarmingly as Spine-claw grabbed me by the hips and slammed me to the wall, kissing me deeply. What was that for? I said a bit flattered. I thought you were dead! He said. Um, what about escaping? Spine-claw sighed. We have to wait for him to wake up. I licked his cheek. Then let's wait.

With Owen, Claire and Blue...

They're captured, Wu said to them. And the monitor may have revealed that Indy and Spine-claw have a thing for each other. Owen clenched his left hand into a fist and then his right hand. Spine-claw was created for one thing. He then turned around as Evan was there. Can you please teach Spine-claw a lesson? Evan growled and walked out of the room as he let out a loud roar. 


Aqua-Fang slowly lifted his legs and roared in extreme agony. A-are you okay? I asked, worried about him. Those dinosaurs beat us up! He yelled in rage. You think I AM OKAY with it? Ha! You're wrong, sister! I started to get a bit scared when he returned back no normal. S-sorry-y, he croaked. Its okay, I said as I smiled when the green and black I-Rex returned. I'm not letting you beat up my friends now, I roared and rammed into the gate, breaking the bars as he grabbed hold of my neck and pinned me to the ground. Though I escaped his grasp and ran away with the others as the I-Rex let out a roar to warn the others...

INDY - THE UNTAMABLE KING (1.2 K READS!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें