The Super Raptor Part 2

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With Indy...

Indy was still injured with the battle with Crest. She was... Exhausted... One would say. Indy growled. I'm going to split the raptor into two and gouge her eyes. She limped back where Crest was expecting her. Well, Indominant, I was expecting you. You're half as bad as fighting as you are with coming up with nicknames, this'll be a cinch, Indy mocked. Crest growled and pounced on Indy. Indy fought back and pinned her to the ground. Though Crest stood back and jumped onto Indy until... Indy finally striked her to the ground killing her.

At The Raptor Pen...

Owen was deciding what to do next as Claire walked over to him. Just take action. You'll know what to do soon. Owen rolled his eyes as he walked over to Blue. What is it, Alpha? We're going on a night run, he grinned. We'll HOPEFULLY find Indy. 

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