But he knew that distant look in Sophie's eyes, that's the same look Edaline and he had for sixteen years until Sophie came into their lives. He walked over to his wife and daughter and crushed them into a tighter hug. Sensing movement, he looked up at Edaline's teary gaze, even she was broken from Keefe's departure.

She didn't talk, she just rested her back down on Sophie's. They all fell asleep there, as he drifted off to sleep, Grady couldn't help but wonder if things would ever be the same again.


A throat cleared from the doorway and Edaline Ruewen was the first to wake up. In the doorway stood the Council, Collective, team Valiant, Vacker's, Dizznee's, Song twins, Cassius, the bodyguards, and the rest of her friends. Looking back to her family Sophie's eyes were swollen shut, she nudged Grady in the arm and he instantly woke up.

"What brings everyone to Havenfield?" Grady asks going for nonchalance, obviously annoyed from being woken up and not being able to help Sophie. "When Sophie failed to show up for the party we were going to have for victory at the Neverseen base, I got suspicious. It turns out Mr. Sencen is also missing, and this was the first place he'd go so. But seeing as he is not here do you have any idea?" Mr. Forkle says.

The room is quiet for too long, but it's interrupted by Cassius. "If you have any idea where my son is, you will tell us." Grady snorts and murmurs under his breath, "Starting to care now, Cassius?" I give him a death glare, "Lord Ruewen, we only care for everyone's safety, Keefe is unstable and Lord Cassius is the only one who can control him." Emery says, proving why we all hate him.

It gets silent again, but this time there is a small squeaky voice that speaks up. "He's gone." All eyes go to Sophie who is sitting up and laughing uncontrollably for something that's not funny. "What do you mean 'he's gone'." Alina snobs, Sophie sobers up and gives a dead look. "He. Is. Gone. What about that do you not understand?"

Nobody does or says anything as Sophie gets up and pulls something from her desk. "Is this what you're looking for? Proof? Well here it is. He said he's going away, that his power is super dangerous." Alina makes a move to grab it, but Edaline conjures it away before she could grab it. She then snaps at Alina, "That belongs to my daughter, for her eyes only."

Alina's about to snap back, but starts breathing hard, "There's too many people here." She snaps her fingers and teleports away with Ella and Iggy in hand. Her friends run out and Juline snaps at the Council, "Get out."


Sophie Foster teleported to the top of Calla's panakes tree and stained out into the setting sun.

The next months of her life came by in a flash and she was seventeen. The number meant nothing as she could not spend it with anyone, she cut herself off from the world. Not letting anyone in meant not having anyone leave her, ever again. That was the best choice I made in my short life, she thought.

During the first month of Keefe's departure, she was a ghost haunting the halls of everywhere she went. Though she had to deal with the Vacker siblings annoying the hell out of her. Fitz was trying so very hard to make her forgive him, though he never once apologized for being a self absorbed douche.

Biana keeps telling her about Glimmer and Tam, all Sophie wants to shout is, You're jealous so what! Leave me alone. Biana wants her to help her with her boy problems when Sophie has so much more than she could ever. Acting dead to the world did have some points thought, nobody expected anything of you.

Dex tried, a lot more than the others, but it didn't work. No matter if Dex was her best friend or not she would not communicate, would not eat, would not think, would not do anything. He also had to deal with the whole 'Rex is talentless' thing. If she could she'd blame her whole life's mess on Keefe, but she couldn't deal with the guilt.

How good of the Black Swan to at least give her this one freedom, she can grieve and not break like all the other fragile elves. Grady and Edalime were always there for her, but she didn't have the strength to do anything but watch at the coddled her. The only person she sort of let in was Wylie, he knew what she was going through and that was good enough for her. Plus he knew when to stop and just be there, the others did not.

Oralie wasn't helping either, trying to shove herself into Sophie's life. Like Keefe, Sophie could blame a great deal of things on the pretty blonde councillor, not that she would say that out loud. If anything Sophie was just using her birth mother, Oralie had a lot of great books in the library beneath her tower.

During that first time through the library she spent the month reading 'The Land of Stories'. The next month she read 'Carve the Mark' and 'The Cruel Prince'. Then in the third 'Red Queen'. Passing through the library in the fourth month she found something fishy, she passed all these halls multiple times seeing all the books, but this one is new.

The title was 'The Assassin's Blade', the book that was arranged to happen before the series. After checking all the books out with Oralie, she went straight home and read. She read and read and read. It was her get away world, she got out her iPod and played her playlist. She changed it up for the last time, it was now all the songs by Alec Benjamin, all his songs were sad and she liked that.

Her favorite song was 'Must Have Been the Wind'.


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