One last hurrah

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"Are you still going to come by for the end of the show later on?" The redhead asked as she pinned a piece of her hair back, her voice muffled slightly by the bobby pin she held between her teeth.

"Yeah. I should be." Kerry answered from the bathroom where she was stood ruffling her wet hair with a towel in the mirror above the sink. "I'm not sure how long this drink with Charlotte and Louise is going to last, but I should be able to get away from them with enough time to catch the end of your show."

"You don't even want to go to this thing, why are you going at all?" The redhead asked as if the notion was obvious.

"They're my friends... I suppose. Besides it's the last night that I have off what with the performance tomorrow night, and I sort of promised them that I would." The blonde resumed with an obvious roll of her eyes as she wondered out of the bathroom and connected eyes with the redhead who continued to stare intently into the mirrored door of the wardrobe.

"Fair enough." The Australian shrugged with an almost dismissive tone to her voice.

"I will try and get there though. As much as I cannot stand to see Joe perform I do want to make sure that my gamble of bringing you here has paid off." Kerry mused with a smirk and a wink as she began to tease her hairbrush through the wet knots of blonde hair which had turned into more of a mousy brown now that the water was gripped onto the surface.

Laughing softly as she spun on her heel, Dianne rolled her eyes in conjunction to her friends comment. Comedically ignoring the fact that her statement, whilst obviously sarcastic, did ring an air of truth within it.

The unlikely pair had been floating upon the Mediterranean for a solid thirteen days and nights by this point. They had travelled hundreds of kilometres across the coasts of three different countries, and had endured a few revelations within that time, both in their personal and professional lives. But underneath those thirteen days had been a friendship which was built upon the foundations of a chance run in that the two women had had four months before hand. A chance run in which, whilst it hadn't changed the Londoners life a whole lot, had certainly shaken things up for the Australian. A factor which she was beyond thankful for. So even if it had only been four months and thirteen days ago, Dianne felt a slight sense of expectation rise within her to prove to the woman that her decision to willingly unlock a new door for the redhead, had indeed been a correct one.

"Well I promise not to let you down then." Dianne muttered in response as she picked up her phone from off the small table in between the two single beds where it was charging, before grabbing her trusty pink water bottle from off the end of her neatly made, pristine, white bed sheets. "Anyway, I'm off... I'll see you later on?" She posed again, pointing her index finger at the blonde with a quirked eyebrow.

"YES!" Kerry answered, her eyes wide and her mouth agape slightly as she brushed her hair back from off her face to find the line of her parting. "I'll be there red for the love of god. Now go, before you're late."

Smiling softly, Dianne did as she was told. Leaving the room that had been her humble abode for the past two weeks and out into the corridor where she weaved in and out of groups of people, through corridors, up and down sets of stairs, through doors, across decked and carpeted floors, with ease. The humongous ship seeming not so massive anymore. The rule of sticking to the alphabet seeming to slip her mind now that she knew exactly where she was and where she was going. A final sense of belonging which thirteen days ago she was certain she would never find.

"There she is!" A familiar voice unexpectedly burst through as the redhead made her way around a corner, only to bump into a young man with big eyes and dark hair. His infectious smile seeming to transform the blank look the Australian held into a smile of her own.

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