Streets of Monaco - part 2

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A/N hey people sorry this is up so late but I got stuck at work. Hope you enjoy xx

Six - thirty - two PM: European summer time.

That was the time where Joe began to feel his insides burning with anticipation and anxiety for the redheads arrival.

His foot tapping against the polished stone of the promenade which the behemoth of a ship he had been travelling on for the past week had sided up next to. His polished black shoes clicking slightly as his toes hit the stone. The black tie around his neck seeming to become tighter and tighter with every minute he stood there in waiting.

His anxieties only seeming to be boosted by the fact that he hadn't seen her in person since she ran out of his room in a panic. The last movement of her lips which he had witnessed being that of the gentle kiss she had placed onto his in a hasty rush before she escaped the clutches of his room so she could get to her show on time yesterday morning. And despite his hope to see her again yesterday evening when he wanted to pose the question which left him standing where he was now, in fear that he was to be left alone for the foreseeable future, it hadn't quite gone to plan. Kerry's final word of warning swimming through his mind, and cementing his plans for their evening - if she showed up of course.

He wasn't sure how long he was waiting for. Having decided to give up looking at the seconds slowly tick by on his watch once it reached six-thirty-five. How long he had stood there and panicked, worried, doubted, and wrestled with a million and one thoughts about the redhead and the dwindling possibilities of her arrival. Yet eventually, much to his appreciation and relief, Joe found his attention drawn back towards the decked walkway which lead off of the ship which he had wondered down nearly twenty minutes before, by some inconspicuous force. Yet upon his glance, he knew exactly why.

As walking down with a smile on her face and a flurry of emotion seemingly propelling her forward, stood the woman who had occupied his mind for what felt like forever. Her red hair cascading down her back in gentle waves much like it had done on their previous date. Yet this time the front of her hair was no longer pinned back, allowing it to hang naturally and delicately frame her face. Her hazel eyes and dark red lips seeming to lure him in even from the fifty or so metres away she was stood. Her tanned skin and luminescent hair contrasted by the dress that she wore.

The dress.

Something about that dress which Joe just couldn't seem to ignore. Much like she wore the other night this one was also green. Yet gone was the delicacy of peppermint and the innocence of the looser flowing bodice. Gone was the gentle girlish charm and buoyancy which she seemed to exude before. All of that was gone. Instead replaced with a dress made of heavenly deep green fabric brought in at the waist, showing off her impeccable figure which Joe had found himself gawking at when he watched her on stage. The top half clad in a series of jewels which glimmered expertly, giving off this luscious green and teal glow which gave the impression she was some kind of untouchable gem stone in herself. A lucky charm or glowing green sign which enticed the eye of all who she walked by. Gone was the girlish charm which drew the eye of everyone in the restaurant, replaced by the strong, yet equally precious power of a woman, glowing with something untouchable which seemed to grab the attention of all of Monaco.

"Wow." He muttered softly as the Australian finally came close enough for her to hear.

"You said that last time." She answered with a coy smirk resting upon her lips.

"I mean it though. You look..." Joe began, his mouth agape slightly as he continued to look the redhead up and down. The gentle orange hues dispersed from the sun which began its descent for the summer evening, seeming to illuminate around her. Increasing the heavenly vision she showed as the sky echoed off of the sea around them, turning her tanned skin darker and her hair brighter and more glossy than he had noticed it before. "Magical." He eventually concluded, yet instantly cursing himself for spelling out an adjective which didn't seem to quite describe what he saw.

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