Chapter 13: More drama

Start from the beginning

"Ok that's fine with me. But I gotta go buy things and get ready for my date"

"Kk mom!"

*ding dong

"Oh I think she's here!" I went to the door and opened the door

"Hey Chloe!", I said giving her a hug

"Hey girl"

" come with me" and we walked to my room and sat on my bed, "now get comfortable and tell me the story with mike!"

"Ok" she laughed, "so last week, he invited me to a party and I said I could come. The party U said u were tired and didn't want to go. So I came and I talked to my friends and then he came over to me and we, you know, talked."

"Keep going", I said impatiently

"Ok, ok. Gosh" Chloe said, " and he asked me if I could walk with him to get a drink and I was like ok. So we walked into the kitchen and we got out drinks and decided to eat some snacks and talked a little. Then he was like "you have a little chip on your lip" and I was like oops and tried to get it off but before I could, he leaned in and kissed me. It was amazing!", she told me.

"Awwww! Tell me more!" I begged

"Ok lol. So we kissed for a about 30 seconds and then he pulled back. He told me sorry and I said it was ok because I may or may not like him but anyways. He took my hand and dragged me upstairs into a room. And then we kinda made out for the rest of the night. And then he asked for my phone number afterwards and we talk and text. But he still hasn't ask me out."

"What?! He hasn't ask you out??", I asked

"No...", seeming a little disappointed

"Don't worry, if yall still talk after the making out then it's not a one night thing. So he likes u!", trying to cheer her up

"I guess so", she sounded a little better

"So let's get ready!!"

"Yea I forgot! I brought my clothes and makeup"


Chloe went into my bathroom and changed then afterwards I changed. We both were talking and putting on makeup when my someone texted me...

"Who is it?" Chloe asked

"I don't know" I walked and checked it. "Oh it's no one, just forget bout it" trying to make her forget bout it

"Come on, tell me please!", she begged

"Fine but you can't tell anyone."

"Promise", Chloe said

"So before I moved her, I was dating a guy name Chad, but we broke up Bc he was cheating on me. And he kept messing with me and asking if we could get back together. He's crazy! He said that he would move here and won't stop bothering me until I took him back. "

"Dang, he's crazy!!", she yelled

"I know."

"But Check and see what he said"

"Ok fine." I checked it and it said
C: don't b surprise to see me tonight ;)

"Yea he's crazy"

" yea very"

"Omg I have to go because Mike will be here any minute"

"Ok I'll see you at the party"

*ding dong

She went downstairs and left with mike.

I finished getting ready and Josh knocked on the door. I was wearing a short classic black dress with some jewelries and black heelsI quickly went and opened the door.

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