The Truth Comes out

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Authors POV-  Bangchan and Minho were walking in the park as the breeze blew through their hair within the peaceful atmosphere.  "This is nice right, just you and me feeling...." Bangchan was cut off by Minho's reactions "WHAT, FEELING WHAT". "Umm the air, feeling the calm air"  Banchan said looking at him with concerning eyes. "Umm Minho are you ok he asked with a straight face. Lee Know looked at him, "Who me oh no I'm fine its just I... um just realized how cold it is out", aren't you cold" he asked nervously.  Chris looked at him, "well if your cold you can have my jacket, here he said passing his jacket to Minho. 'NO", Minho screamed, "I'm good trust me I'm fine maybe if we sit down I will feel better. "Ok" Bangchan said. They sat down on the bench near the pond and looked at the stars. 

Authors POV - Meanwhile, Changbin, Felix and Hujiun were planning on setting Jisung and Raja on a date. "Ok so how are we going to do this without Jisung finding out we told her the truth." Hyunjin asked. "Pff, we don't have to worry about anything, it's not our fault he cant talk to her like a man" Changbin replied. Then they soon heard yelling approaching them as they knew immediately  who it was. "YOU DID WHAT" Jisung yelled coming into the dinning room. "Hey calm down you needed help and that's what we did as your friends and your brothers" Changbin said. "BUT I DIND'T NEED YOU HELP, I could have done it on my own" Jisung explained. Hyunjin, Felix and Changbin looked at each other. "Pff, hey right and if we didn't help you, you wouldn't be on a date with her right now" Hyunjin said. Jisung frowned at them. "Ok enough of the sulking go and get dressed because she will be here in fifteen minutes" Changbin said. They forced him upstairs to get ready. Soon fifteen minutes passed as Raja pulled into the driveway. "SHE'S HERE" Felix yelled, "Jisung get down here she is coming to the door" Changbin yelled. She came inside wearing a bright red dress with black high heels.  "Thankyou Hujiun you are such a gentlemen" she said politely.  "Why thankyou and your welcome, now sit right here Jisung will be down in a minute." He replied. "Ok. she sat down waiting for Jisung to join her at the table. "What is taking him so long, don't tell me he backed out.  Hujiun said. "He better not have she is already at the table Changbin said. "Oh guys he's coming" Jisung  walked down stairs as all three boys looked at him. "Wow, now that's boyfriend material" Changbin said. Jisung looked at them confused. "Boyfriend material, but I'm not........"Oh yes you are" Hyunjin interrupted. "Now, stop being a baby and go over their and act like a man" Hyunjin continued.  Jisung sat down with Raja as he couldn't take his eyes off of her. "W-W-wow you look beautiful" he finally said. She blushed slightly oh why thankyou I really love how polite your brothers are, they did all of this for us" she said. "Yeah, they did, they did something I WASN'T READY FOR" .  Jisung yelled side eyeing them.  Raja laughed at him as she found him cute, "Oh it's ok, leave them alone besides you do have to thank them, I mean I was hoping you would ask me out one day but I see now that you need to work on your dating skills" She said with a little giggle. The boys left them alone as they enjoyed their time together. 

Authors POV-  Meanwhile Minho and Bangchan were still at the park

Lee Know POV- "Ugg, we were out here for more than an hour and I wanted to go back home now. "Ugg what time is it, he asked Chris. "It's 8:00 but we can stay out a little longer it you like." Chan requested. "NO", "I want to go home, I want to go home right now he said getting up and walking away. "Wait Lee know where are you going". I heard Chan still yelling my name as I had no intention to stop nor turn around however, the fear was overwhelming me and I couldn't take it anymore. 

Banchan POV- I saw Minho standing in the middle of the walkway, I walked up to him and rubbed his shoulder. "Hey what's gotten into you, you have been acting strange and awkward for the past few weeks" I asked. I saw him looking down then he spoke. "Chan do you want to know why I've been acting weird ." He asked. I nodded my head as I needed answers on what was happening to him. He then sighed as he told me something that I never thought he would say. "Bangchan, I-I, I like you, ever since that day in the studio I saw something in you that I never thought I would see. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't because of the fear of possibly being rejected " he finally said. I was so stunned and confused although I was happy he finally told me. "Oh Lee Know its ok I wouldn't have rejected you because....I like you too." I finally confessed. He looked up at me with tears dripping down his face. "Y-y-you do, you really do like me back." He replied with tears in his eyes. "Chan hugged him gently, "of course lee know your amazing and kind and sweet how could I not love you" Chan replied. He kissed his forehead as they walked home. 

Author POV- A Few weeks later Everyone had attended IN's Cooking competition as he won first place for his amazing dish. "We are so proud of you IN, looks like your not a baby anymore. Changbin said playfully hitting him. "We knew you would win, we are so proud of you" Bangchan said hugging him. "Thankyou oppa I really appreciate it and thankyou for coming" he replied. "Of course we wouldn't miss it for the world" Minho said patting his head. IN smiled as they all took a picture together and ate his cake. "You will never disappoint me when ever you make desserts" Seungmin  said. IN smiled at his compliment. "Thankyou Oppa I'm glad you like it. Soon Raja and Jisung approached them. "OH MY GOD" were so proud of you IN you did an amazing job I should hire you to assist with my chef's because trust me some of them need it." Raja replied. "IN hugged her thankyou Noona I'm really glad you all are here to support me" IN. said. We will always be here IN when ever you need us". Minho said hugging him. Chan looked at Raja and Jisung. "Um I'm glad your all here but who is she" He asked. Changbin, Felix, Jisung and Hyunjin looked at him. "Oh this is Raja she is my girlfriend" Jisung said hugging her. Chan and Minho looked surprised. "Since when did you get a girlfriend, in my opinion  you don't seem like the expert with the ladies" Bangchan said. They all laughed including Raja, "Hey why are you laughing" Jisung asked her. She laughed and laughed until she finally spoke. "Because its true  honey you don't really mix well with certain woman but you do with me and that's a good thing because that means no one will take you away from me. " She said kissing his cheek. They laughed as they enjoyed the rest of their time at the event.

The End

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