"I can't do this anymore Donny." I cried.

"Yes you can Julia. I know you can. You're the strongest woman I know, you've been though so much, you can get though this, I promise."

"And you're almost there. One final push Mrs Novitski." I pushed and cried and squeezed Donny's hand before everything went black.

Donny's POV
"And baby number two is a boy. Congratulations." I smiled and then looked at Julia, her eyes closed, her breathing slow.

"Julia? JULIA!" I panicked. "Is she okay? Her breathing had slowed dramatically." I placed my hand over her heart to feel it beating albeit slowing down. "I can't lose her. I can't lose my wife. I need her. I definitely can't raise these kids alone. They need their mom. Our Michael and Flora. I can't do this without her."

"She will be okay Mr Novitski." The doctor assured me. I still got to cut the umbilical cord for Michael before they took the twins into a separate room and told me to go with them, leaving Julia behind.

"Julia, I don't want to leave your side, but I have to, I'll make sure our twins are okay my love. Please wake up soon. I love you Julia Novitski. You're my everything." I kissed her pale forehead and walked out. I went into the room the twins were being monitored in and sat down on a chair.

"I'm pleased to tell you that both twins are healthy and have had a successful delivery."

"It's not successful until Julia is with me again. I just want to hold her in my arms. Tell her how proud of her I am. Tell her we had a son. Tell her she's the most incredible mother in the world."

"And you will get to do that sir. This is very common for twins, she's just overworked and exhausted. Especially as she wasn't aware she was carrying twins. Did you never see a doctor?"

"Only once or twice early on. We didn't have the money for multiple visits. Especially as were saving for a bigger house that we now have, one where our kids can grow up." I wiped my tears away.

"I understand. Anyway, your twins ought to meet their father. Am I right in thinking they both have names?"

"Yeah, our girl is Flora June Novitski, named after both my mother who passed when I was a teen and Julia's mother who we are both so grateful for. And then Michael Donny Novitski is our son, Michael was the name of her first husband, and my best buddy. He died during the war, part of the 37th infantry. And then his middle name is after me, I have my fathers first name as my middle name, and so we wanted him to have my first name as his middle name. We had a name for both a girl and boy picked out, assuming we were only having one child. But I'm glad we got one of each. I've always wanted a boy and a girl. And I know Julia will be the greatest mom when she's feeling better." The nurse brought Flora over to me and I sat down holding her. "She looks so much like her mom already. She's beautiful and she's perfect." I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "I wish your mom could be the one holding you right now my sweet little girl. But she will get better. She's just very tired from bringing you and your brother into the world." I placed her back in the bassinet they brought in, one for each twin. I then picked up Michael. I just looked at him and smiled. "Michael." I said looking out the window up at the sky. "I miss you so much Michael, but I want you to meet little Michael Donny Novitski. Julia and I decided we wanted to name our first born son after you and here he is. You will always be in our hearts and we promise to always ensure that the twins know about you and your story. I hope you're proud of him, and of Julia. She's so strong to bring these two incredible kids into our lives and I'm sure she will wake up soon enough. We're thinking of you all the time. We love you and miss you Private Michael Trojan." I looked down at the small boy in my arms and his eyes opened. I had deep brown eyes and Julia had sparkling blue eyes. Michael Novitski though, he had a light brown eye colour, just like Michael Trojan did. I smiled and saw so much of my best friend in my newborn son already as well as seeing lots of myself and Julia in him. I walked back over to the bassinets and Flora laid there awake bright blue eyes shining at me just like her moms. "My sweet Angel. You look so much like your mother." I just stood there smiling at my children. I couldn't believe I was the father to these two kids. I put Michael down and sat watching them. I even ended up having to feed them from a bottle of evaporated milk formula they'd made for me. I sat and it started to go dark outside. As the hours went on I grew more nervous about Julia. June came over to the hospital.

"Donny, have you heard anything yet?" She asked as she walked in.

"About Julia? No. I've been in here for the last 5 hours and I've heard nothing. I just want to be by her side, I want her to be okay. Why are you here?"

"The doctor called me and suggested I came to be here for when she wakes up. I also want to meet my grandchild. Did you have a girl or boy?"

"Both. She was pregnant with twins and we didn't know it. They are both so small though, but healthy and that's the important thing." I led her over. "This is Michael Donny Novitski. He was born second, and then this is Flora June Novitski, she came first."

"You named her after me?" June said looking up at me.

"After both you and my mom. And of course little Michael is named after Michael and myself."

"I think they have perfect names. Flora looks so much like Julia did when she was born."

"She has her bright blue eyes." I said softly. "I miss looking into Julia's eyes, I want to see them again. It's been so long and I'm getting so worried about her."

"I'm sure you'll be able to see her very soon." June said softly. I nodded and sat down holding Michael as June held her granddaughter.

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