No Rest For The Wicked

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Wally took a step forward and turned to face his father "I got in late from a mission... I haven't had time to start yet."" he mumbled. When his dad anywhere near Wally, he felt like a powerless child. There was nothing he could do; it was like that villain had taken his power away once more...

"What's that boy? Go on spit it out you damn disgrace!" he stumbled forward, putting the hand not occupied by the bottle on his knee to stop him from falling over.

The speedster looked down over his right shoulder and choked back a whimper. Then, shutting his eyes as tight as he could. Gathering every ounce of courage he had. He yelled back sharply "I haven't had time yet! Why can't you take care of yourself for once? Oh wait, its 'cause you're a no good alcoholic asshole!"

The air surrounding the two males was filled with so much tension that you could probably cut it with a knife. Wally took in a shaky breath, he was vibrating with fear. He didn't know what drove him to suddenly yell like that, the beatings were always better if he didn't stick up for himself. The redhead's eyes were now wide open staring at his father waiting anxiously for his reaction.

In a perfect world Wally's mum wouldn't have died and his farther wouldn't have started drinking or abusing him. In a perfect world his uncle Barry would be his father and his aunt Iris would be his mother. But this world is far from perfect.

The loud smash of the vodka bottle was herd by Wally, and Wally alone. Then the gentle drip drop of the alcohol that had stayed around the inside of the bottle rang through his ears.

"You're gonna regret that you dumb shit." His farther spat venomously.

The broken bottle stabbed harshly in to Wally's side, he yelped in pain and was about to collapse when his farther caught him, somehow holding the both of them up in his intoxicated state.

"You ain't gettin' any rest yet." he twisted the bottle inside his son and pressed in a little further.

Wally's eyes were filled with tears but he wouldn't let them go not while his monster of a farther was around, no way. He gritted his teeth and clamped his eyes shut only letting the odd noise of excruciating pain escape is clamped jaw every now and again.

The bottle was removed and Wally fell to the floor, coughing vigorously and holding both his hands over the wound, pressing as hard as he could to try and slow the insane amount of blood that was flowing from it.

He panted hard as he tried to ignore the pain erupting from his side. Wally failed to hold back the tears that now were over flowing from his usually beautiful but now afraid emerald eyes.

"You're weak! No child of mine, you worthless shit." Rudolph grunted. The drunk farther then began to stumble out the door again before shouting at the poor boy "Clean the floor by the time I'm back or else I'll kill you and you can go live with your mother!" he delivered a sharp kick to the boy's leg then left, spouting a scrambled list of swear words in a fit of rage.

The door slammed shut. Leaving Wally alone, in a dying mess on the floor.

He'd never felt pain like this before. Coughing he pressed one hand on the floor to sit himself up whist still keeping the other hand tightly clamped around the bottle wound

"I-I think there are some glass shards I-in there..." Wally managed to gasp out, practically choking on each word.

He didn't know what to do; he'd never taken a beating like this before... The blood. There's so much blood...

Wally never told anyone about the beatings, too afraid of what everyone would think of him but also more afraid of his father's reaction. Now he needed help though, the speedster really didn't want to die, not now, not like this. There were still so many girls he hadn't hit on! Foods he hadn't shoved down his bottomless pit of a stomach! So many lives he has the potential to save.

His vision blurred as panic rose from the pit of his stomach and he looked desperately around the room for some kind of salvation. He then remembered the communicator he kept on him at all times to notify the team of any injustice occurring (his father's beatings didn't count until this instance). He reached for his ear letting the tears and cries of pain go free, struggling not the slip away in to the blackness of unconsciousness.

He went to click the communicator button, but hesitated. He needed to call someone he could trust, someone who didn't know his farther personally, someone who could help.

He reached up and pressed the call button.


"Hi Wally!" the speaker on the other end of the phone said. "Having a whelming day?"

The red head hacked a cough out "Been better." he said weekly, he wouldn't last much longer.

"Dude, you okay? What's wrong? Where are you?" Robin blurted in a concerned tone.

Wally sighed and managed to say and he grunted in pain, "I'm at my house, not feeling very asterous actually... Could you come get me? Please."

"Yes of course! I'm on my way! What happened?" Robin's voice picked up speed as he noticed something was very wrong with his best friend. He ran to a nearby zeta beam to transport him to where he thought Wally was. Luckily he wasn't patrolling with Batman at the time of his best friends distress call. "Wally? Wally?" Robin called again down the communicator, but received no answer.

Kid Flash had hung up.

Thoughts of what had become of his friend raced through his mind as he ran, finally making it to the zeta beam. He was soon running once more to the front of Wally's house. The boy wonder had made it in amazing time, adrenalin and worry pumping through his veins quickly driving him onward. The fact that the door was hanging a jar filled Robin with even more concern than he already had inside him. His worry was churning his stomach, a sickly feeling rising steadily up his throat, making him gulp in suspense of his friends fate.

The boy wonder burst through the door, examining his surroundings "Everything looks normal..." he thought slightly puzzled. Robin snuck around the house looking for the speedster; it wasn't long before he found a speedster at least.

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