Chapter 2: Allura Vysoren

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Jessica wasn't keen on rising the next morning. She wanted to savor the warmth of her bed for as long as she possibly could. Once she left, she'd be fending for herself until she could find work.

With a heavy sigh Jessica sat up. She threw the covers off her and dragged herself up. She cleaned herself off as best she could, washed, and dressed. Hardly anyone was downstairs when she emerged, meaning a quiet breakfast.

Jessica settled in the same spot, her back to the wall, her eyes on the crowd.

The bar keep, who looked board, dried the same empty cask four...five...six times before he was interrupted.

"Look I'm- I'm sorry Lady Allura, how can I help you?"

"Vox Machina. I'm looking for-"

"The group with the bear? You know that bear ate through three fifty pound bags of dried apples. You know how hard it is to get those this time of year!" 

"I will make sure that you are well compensated. Now can you tell me if they have already left the inn?"

The Keep scoffed. "Yeah 'bout a hour ago."

"Do you know where? Oh never mind, they probably went to their keep."

"You mean that old dump they fixed up? Don't see why anyone wants to live there."

"Yes...Greyskull Keep. Thank you." Allura turned and left. "Now I just need someone to take them to Kraghammer."

Jessica perked up at that name. Kraghammer was about a weeks ride away. A week and a half if you were walking by foot. It was a Dwarven City, highly guarded. Surely there could be work found. If not there then along the way. And Jessica did know the way there. She had seen several maps at home. Her Aunt and Uncle made sure she knew her geography well.

Allura had seemed to stop as her hand was about to open the door. She took a step back and turned, surveying the room. Jessica tried to avert her gaze but it was too little to late. She and Allura locked eyes. She had a kind smile and beckoned Jessica forward with a wave of her hand. Jessica looked around then pointed a finger at herself. "Me?"

Allura gave a small giggle. It was high like the ringing of a bell. "Yes you child."

Jessica stood up and straightened out her dress and walked over to her. "Yes Ma'am?"

"Come take a walk with me." Shd turned and headed out. Jess was quick on her heels.

"You're not from here."

"Its a large city."

"I know everyone in this city."

"Everyone?" Jessica sounded skeptical.

"Everyone. Unfortunately it comes with the job description." She shook her head. "I know many, many faces. But I don't know yours."

"Funny, I don't know yours either."

The woman stopped in the middle of the thoroughfare and looked Jessica up and down. Jessica, in turn, got a good look at her too. The woman was definitely human. Mid to late twenties if Jessica was guessing. Pale skin and golden hair. She wore kind eyes and a welcoming smile.

"No, I suppose you're quite right. You don't know my face either. My name is Allura Vysoren. I am the Arcanist and Wizard here in Emon."

Well Fuck. That's all Jessica needed. A Wizard to get into her head, find out who she is and ship her back home...or worse.

"I'm...I'm not in any trouble am I? I mean I only arrived here in Emon yesterday evening."

"No. Oh no, nothing like that! I just...I looked over and I just got this impression that you could help me out."

Jessica nodded. "I heard you talking to the keep. You wanted to go to Kraghammer."

"Not me personally. I have a group of....adventures that will, hopefully be traveling to Kraghammer, upon my request."

"I know the way there." Jess looked down the road of the bustling city to the gates.

"Would you be willing to take them to Kraghammer, stay with them until their mission is complete?"

"I dont have the means, the papers I mean, nor the supplies to get us there."

"Don't you worry about that, dear one, I will aquire all the necessary papers. The party will have the supplies."

Jessica bit her lip, thinking. It was a grand opportunity. But escorting people she did not know. Would they trust her? Or would they recognize her and try to kill her in her sleep?

"Alright, yeah...uh I mean. I'll help you. I'll escort this party along to Kraghammer, assist them in their mission. But it's just-"

"Just what?"

"I'm just a human. I have no notable strengths or talents. I can't fight. I don't posses any magical capabilities. I can sing, but nothing ever magical happens when I do that."

"Just human? Why that can be a wonderful thing. And who knows. You might discover a hidden talent along the way. But the party will protect you, don't you worry about that."

Jessica nodded. She wasn't sure about that. "I forgot to tell you earlier. I'm Jessica."

"Jessica. A lovely name." Allura smiled. "Come on the keep isn't to far ahead."

Jessica followed closely beside Allura, realizing that they were in the lower part of the city, the slums. However, it would not be for long. Grass replaced the mud and there was a steady climb.

"A hill?"

Allura nodded. "Their keep is just at the top. You can't miss it."

And she was right, you couldn't miss it. It was a large stone structure, beautiful glass stained windows on top of this hill and a river you could hear on the other side. There was a large iron gate at the front, and a bell to ring.


Allura smiled. "Welcome to Greyskull Keep, home of Vox Machina."

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