Black Clover Manga: Chapter 288 Leaks

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A/N: Sorry for the late leaks! I was having a vacation at my grandparents house and I did not bring my laptop! I'm gonna translate it but I'm not sure is it accurate. I know a little bit of it only.

Finral: Jezz, I ended up going first. I'm always rushing to live more than anyone else.

 I'm always rushing to live more than anyone else

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Gimodelo: Mister Nachtttt~~~~~! I'm begging you, Mister Nacht!! If you die we're all dead!

Nacht: Gimodelo?

Nacht: Gimodelo?

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Asta: I want you to live and see that strength!!

Asta: I want you to live and see that strength!!

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The Twins devils: Entertain me more!!

The Twins devils: Entertain me more!!

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Lilith& Naamah: I haven't have this much fun in the underworld for hundred of years!

Liebe: Kekeke~ I've never thought that we would meet again in this world. The highest ranking devils Lilith, Naamah!

 The highest ranking devils Lilith, Naamah!

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Asta: The third sword!

Asta: The third sword!

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Asta: Demon destroyer!

Asta: Demon destroyer!

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(last page is epic!)

(last page is epic!)

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Black Clover Manga LeaksWhere stories live. Discover now