Chapter 1 - A Day In The Life Of A Not So Wolfy Teenager

Start from the beginning

“No Dev, remember what happened last time?” I asked. 

Warning: Last time was a complete and total disaster. I looked at him, to make sure that has remembered though I know he does. He looks as if he’s thinking about it, but he definitely does remember, everyone remembers, especially the humans. 

Did I mention that humans loved to gossip, and possible even more than wolf packs? Wait, nope, I take that back. No one gossips more than wolves. I hate it when people would always mention things that happen like that. 

At least they don’t talk about it any more. Much. It happened like this; We were in gym class and Dev pounced on me. Playfully, but everyone thought he was trying to assault me or something. I mean, for Dev, pouncing was normal. 

So, in the end I pushed him off really easily but then the guys in my gym class asked if I needed help to get up and I said I was fine, I had actually sprained my ankle, thanks a lot Dev. The guys then decided that my ‘cousin’ had wanted to get with me.

Wow, cousin lover is not the best name to be called, and that wasn’t the worst name I got. I guess that now you can see, when Dev comes to school, something is bound to get me in trouble. 

It’s like the world is against me doing anywhere and everywhere I go. It really does piss me off a lot of the time. I was going to be strong against Devon’s pleas this time, I promised myself silently. 

“Yeah, but this time will be different, promise! Please Ace!” he said and held onto my hands, he knew how much I hated his childhood nickname for me, but I had found it quite cute when I was younger. 

Yes, I guess I still thought it was cute now. Sometimes, Dev could be really cute and attractive but forget that I ever thought that. I hated my self for the next thing I did. I really couldn’t resist his real puppy dog eyes, yellow as they were. He was giving the special look, I tried really hard to restrain myself, but eventually I gave up and I said, 

“Put on some contacts and get in the car,” sometimes I hate myself. 

A lot. I give in too easily sometimes and for that, I hate myself. 

“We can go in my car,” he said, motioning to where his Lamborghini was parked. 

See, he gets a Lamborghini because his dad is an alpha and all I get is a ford focus (and I’m not even supposed to be driving yet either), life sucks sometimes. Especially since he is actually legal to drive, unlike me. But still! 

My dad was an alpha! I think I deserve a Lamborghini. I really, really want a good car. I have always been a bit of a car enthusiast sometimes. I throw a final glance at my little ford focus and follow Dev up to his car. 

I look at him as he gets in to the driver’s seat and he looks at me looking at him, he probably knows what I’m thinking. I think that it would be nice to get a turn driving a Lamborghini... Though I do know the answer before it gets to his lips when he says, 

“Babe, I would not let you drive my car even if my identity did get found out by humans, I would just keep on cruisin,’” he said. 

I hated it when he got all ‘babe’ with me. The term was so sexist and I just never liked it how boyfriends called their girlfriends ‘babe’ not that I would ever think of wanting to be Dev’s girlfriend or anything. Not that I wouldn’t say yes if he asked me out... Gosh, I am a pathetic excuse of a person.

“Fine by me, but if the police finds you out, I’m running,” I said and gave him a smug smile. 

Someday I would drive that Lamborghini. Unlike my license, Dev’s is real, well, age wise anyway, so if anything, he is allowed to drive and I’m not which sucks. Oh, did I mention that the wolves took his birth year forward because wolves mature quickly and they look about a year older than their actual age. I don’t mind about that too much, it’s only the driving part that concerns me. So apparently Dev is eighteen. An Adult, that sucks. 

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