Chapter 21:

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After I roughly finished listening to her incomprehensible story and sorting through it inside my head, I felt a strong headache.

“In other words, the graduation party should be where the judgment event occurs and at the same time, the [event] where the [heroine] decides which capturable target character she chooses also occurs? And awaiting after that, is either an [individual route] or the [harem route], each narrative already predetermined?”

“That’s right. The selectable capture target character will change depending on how much the [heroine] has been trying to capture the target character and how much favorability she has acquired up to the graduation party. The capturable target characters that are eligible to be selected will each give an ornament adorned in their own hair color to the [heroine] by the graduation party, so it will be apparent who you can choose from. Then, the selected route will change depending on which ornament the [heroine] wears to the party.”

“She was wearing a yellow dress today. …Though I hadn’t given it to her.”

Although it was evident that I wasn’t included in the options, she didn’t give up and obtained a yellow dress on her own and [selected] me, huh.

From Bertia’s story, [no favorability, no gift] should be a matter of fact, but Baroness Heronia ignored it and believed that it would be all right as long as it was the [choice] that she made.

…How foolish.

“Originally, the yellow dress is something that she is able to receive from Cecil-sama if Cecil-sama’s favorability is high. If it’s the harem route, then she will have to wear it together with the necklace, earrings, or the bracelet that the others gave. I think that… Heronia-sama wanted to choose Cecil-sama’s individual route because she was only wearing the yellow dress today.”

When I looked at Bertia who frowned for only an instant, a part of my heart felt a slight satisfaction.

Come to think of it, she might be talking about the significance of the gift dispassionately like this, but has she grasped the significance of the fact that she is currently wearing the [yellow dress] that is the sign of my favorability?

…Well, I guess that she won’t obediently accept it what with the various outcomes she’s considered, among them being maintaining a good balance with the [heroine]. After things calmed down, it might be good to point that out to her again and have her think about its significance properly.

Of course, I will give her hints and elucidation so that she would be able to reach the correct answer.

“And then, the problem lies in the individual route that will unfold after she made her selection, right?”

“That’s right. Cecil-sama’s route and the harem route are actually lovey dovey domestic affairs routes with Cecil-sama plus a 30% increase in sweetness. In the harem route, there will be an additional jealousy event as it’s entangled with the other targets, but… since I’m in the loyal-to-one-person faction, I don’t really like that route.”

“Yes, that’s good. …If you were to form a harem, I’d have to do various behind-the-scenes work so that you won’t be able to look elsewhere.”

“Eh? Did you say something?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

I shook my head and smiled at a confused Bertia, dodging over my true feelings I’d accidentally leaked out in a low voice.

Her face seemed to be slightly curious, but since her nature was simple, she didn’t seem to mind it that much.

…Nevertheless, self-consciousness is something truly frightening.

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