They nodded and I walked up the steps to see she was already up I motioned for her to come downstairs she seen the cops and made a confused face

Liyah:What's going on ? Babe?

Lucas:They found a body and her boyfriend is in the hospital they wanted to ask you a couple of questions

Officer:Do you know who lives there ??

Liyah:They're Youtubers Olivia And William what happened

Officer:Were you aware what happened or did you smell fire ?

Liyah:No sir I was exhausted from last night events and plus she wasn't home when everything happened yesterday

Officer:Have you and Olivia fussed or had an arguement before

Liyah:Yes we had an fight at college because of some rumors but other than that we put our differences aside and apologized we been cordial since then I don't have any grudge or nothing towards her she's very pretty

Officer:Ma'am your neighbor was burned in a fire and looks like she was cooking and fell asleep on the couch half of the house is burned

Liyah:You guys are joking right that's not funny

Officer:Ma'am I'm sorry but Olivia is dead she got burned in the fire and didn't make it out

Liyah:Oh my gosh I don't even have contact with her family or nothing *fake crys*

Officer:I'm so sorry ma'am thank you for your time

He left and I closed the door and she smirked I shook my head and locked the door going to the kitchen


Lucas: ton rôle se porte tellenment bien

Me:je connais

Lucas:You been around me for too long how da hell you know how to speak French

Me:Your mom taught me and I picked up some from you and I taught myself

Lucas:mmmmm Whatchu wanna do today

Me:Chill day walk on the strip get some ice cream alil date or whatever

Lucas:You asking Papi onna date


He kissed my lips and nodded I smiled and kissed back

Lucas:When you gon have my daughta or son.

Me:mmmcht you gon cancel my hot girl summer

Lucas:stop fucking playing with me you wasn't gon have a hot girl summer anyways I will drag yo ass in this house by your hair

Me:and I'll kick you in yo balls

Lucas:Liyah we will fight and then ima eat you out

His phone ringed and I gave it to him he held the phone up for both of us and I looked down to eat a strawberry

Mrs.Coly: Liyah my baby

I looked up and was shocked she barely speaks English I smiled

Me:la maman you spoke English

Mrs.Coly: je continue d'apprendre

Me: tu vas mieux

Mrs.Coly: Liyah you know French

Lucas: Ouais je lui ai appris un peu et elle a appris de toi et aussi d'elle-même

Mrs.Coly:I'm proud of you beautiful

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