Resignation, yes, but in the most determined of ways. A willing, living sacrifice for his family.

Sounds like a common theme these days, doesn't it?

It's not long until they can see the rest of the group and... little Nicola, in the metaphysical flesh (and without his hat). He held his sister's hands and they were talking about something, too far for (Y/N) and Io to hear.

(Y/N): Damn, I missed the reunion.

Io: You wanted to see it?

Nicola looks at them from all the way over there, asks something and Mia turns to, pointing at the two late people. The boy then waves happily at the distant pair.

(Y/N) and Io wave back, Io's hand barely above her chest and (Y/N)'s just above his head.

(Y/N): Yeah I did. But this is nice too.

The siblings start talking to each other again, understandably tuning out the others while they catch up a little. Just as (Y/N) and Io got to them, they can hear the conversation as the siblings hug each other.

Mia: It's all thanks to you that I met them, Nicola...

It was truly a heartwarming sight, and an even better story to tell someday. Two people, promised to be together forever, separated by incredible circumstances are finally reunited after a harsh battle.

Mia: And you kept me safe all this time. You gave me the strength to go on...

They break off the hug, staring at each other's eyes. It doesn't take too long for their voices to crack and tears to stream.

Mia: You're the reason I'm here. You're why I am able to see the real you again.

Their lips quiver with emotion. Mia's tears seep through her mask frame and drips down her neck, Nicola's tears stain his fluffy scarf leaving darker spots on the white accessory.

Mia: Seeing my little brother again, what more could I ever want?

Nicola: M-Mia...

And then they hug again, unable to contain their feelings any longer. They have so much to talk about, and yet so little time in this perfect space...

Where there was previously nothing, not a sound to be heard, now there was a long, cracking noise. Something you wouldn't hear in a regular day anywhere.

(Y/N): Cracking stone? Is the land where we're standing on—

Alarmed, not wanting to fall into this void of memories, the human casts his gaze down to the floor looking for the source of the sound. But he found something he never expected...

Nicola's feet we're now an ashen statue, much like the ones found in the memories. Was he just another memory from before he frenzied? No, that wouldn't be the worst case scenario.

This was the true Nicola, the innocent, overly responsible little boy who had threaded the line between sanity and frenzying for years while splitting his own existence to protect his elder sister. He just now got to see her again, hear her voice, hold her, but now he was dying

And no one could ever help a revenant turned to ash...

Mia: Nicola Karnstein... you really did become a knight...

The siblings once again separate, looking at each other for what could very well be the last time for the rest of their lives.

Mia: Just like you've always wanted to, my dear little brother.

Nicola's state was progressing rapidly. In the short time it took for Mia to say a single sentence he was already hard ash up to his midriff, soon to overtake his entire upper torso. Mia wipes her own tears and brings her finger to gently do the same to Nicola.

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