New Romantics

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By some gift from God, they solved the case. The team accidentally came across the unsub when interviewing the men who installed the victims' security systems. When they landed back in Quantico, Luke noticed Spencer seemed very eager.

"What's up with you?" Luke asked.

"We're home." Spencer smiled.

"We are."

"Which means we're closer to going on our date."

"Speaking of that..."


"What are your plans for the week? I know we can't plan too far in advance because of work, but I also don't want to be too last minute."

"I'm not doing anything outside of work."

"Maybe we could go out tomorrow?"

"That's fine, whenever's fine."

"Lunch tomorrow?"

"Lun- oh, we don't have work tomorrow."

"We don't."

"Yeah, lunch sounds good."

"It's a date." Luke laughed.

The two men parted ways, each heading home. While Spencer was excited, he was also very nervous.

The next morning, Spencer woke up to a text from Luke.

Can I pick you up at 11:30? Going out for a run, sorry if I don't respond right away. 

Seeing as it was already 9:30, Spencer assumed Luke would be back from his run and called him.

"Hello?" Luke answered.

"Hi." Spencer said, groggily. 

"Well, somebody just woke up."

"Not everyone goes on runs at eight in the morning. Especially on a Saturday."

"I figured I'd clear my head before we go out."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...just a little nervous."

"Oh, thank God it isn't just me."

"I don't really know why...first real date, I guess. But, this'll be fun."

"Where are we going?"

"For lunch."

"Obviously, but where are we going?"

"Remember when Garcia got us lunch from that cafe?"

"We're going there?"

"I begged her to tell me where it was."

"That was so good!"

"You seemed to really like it."

"I did."

"Is 11:30 okay to pick you up?"

"That's fine."

"I'll see you then?"

"See you then."

After hanging up, Spencer took a deep breath, and got out of bed. He made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and shower. After cleaning himself up, he dressed in a lavender shirt, navy tie, and black slacks. To pass time, he read Crime and Punishment. 

At exactly 11:30, there was a knock at the door. Spencer opened it to reveal Luke, holding a bouquet of flowers. He was dressed in black work jeans and a green button up shirt. 

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