The truth

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Dark Pov

I woke up to my phone ringing. I reached for it and found out it was Ryoba.

Dark *groggily*:Hello?

Ryoba:Hello Dark.

Dark:Mrs.Aishi? Do you know what time it is?

Ryoba:Yes I know, but I need to tell you something later.

Dark:Stupid question. Can it wait until the morning?

Ryoba:Yes. Can you come over so I can tell both you, Ayano, and (Y/n).


Ryoba:See you later.


She hung up and I lied in my bed looking at the sealing.

Dark:' What was that all about? '

Ayano Pov

I woke up to (Y/n) bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Ayano:Morning sweetheart.

(Y/n):Morning mommy.

He then leaned in and booped my nose.


I smiled then used my secret weapon.

Ayano:Tickle attack!

Tackled (Y/n) to bed then tickled him. I heard a knock at the door.

Ayano:What is it mom?

Ryoba:I need to talk to you later.

Ayano:What's this about mom?

Ryoba:Just wait. Dark needs to be here as well.

The doorbell rang.

Ryoba:That must be him.

I walked out of my room and into the living room where my mom invited Dark in to sit down. I sat down next to Dark and (Y/n) sat between us.

Ryoba:Dark...Ayano...I really need to tell you two this if you're going to be a part of (Y/n)'s life.

Dark:So what is it?

Ayano:Yeah mom. You haven't been acting like yourself today. What's wrong?

Ryoba:Well. First my real name isn't Ryoba.


Dark:So what is it?

Ryoba:(Y/n) might be able to recognize my old name.

(Y/n) starts hugging my arm.

Ryoba:My real name is (S/N) Blaze.

(Y/n) started to freak out.

Ayano:What's wrong (Y/n)?

(Y/n):T-that's m-my old sister's name.

Ryoba:(Y/n). I understand that I did some horrible things to you in the past, but I've changed.

(Y/n):G-get away f-from me.

My mom started to cry.

Ryoba:Please (Y/n). I wasn't able to live with myself ever since you died.

(Y/n) hugs me tightly and was on the verge of crying.

Ryoba:Please (Y/n). To be totally honest...I hated myself for everything I did to you, and there wasn't a day that I wished that I could take everything back. Could you give me a second chance? Not just as your sister, but as your grandmother.

(Y/n) did what I wouldn't of believed he would have done if he truly hated his sister or my mom. He hugged her crying.

(Y/n):I forgive you Onee-Chan.

My mom hugged her once brother now grandson tightly.

Ryoba:I would rather stop the whole world then go back to how I use to be.

(Y/n):I know.

My mom looked up at me.

Ryoba:I can understand if you hate me now for all I did to (Y/n) but-

Ayano:Mom. I can tell your truly sorry and (Y/n) forgives you. That's good enough for me.

Dark:Same here. To be honest I'll be the best damn dad he's ever knew.

Ayano:Same for being his mother.

Ryoba:Thank you. To all three of you.

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