Start from the beginning

Sarah waited outside for Daniel to pick her up, as she waited she thought about a way she could repay him. Just then a car pulled up, "well hello ma'lady shall you fancy a ride" Daniel sat in the front seat of his car with a wide smile.

He quickly ran out and met her on the passenger side, "you know I can open my own door?"

"Yeah I know but what kinda of man would I be" Sarah felt her cheeks heat up at the comment.


The whole pack had been helping Derek go against the alphas, when just that night they had taken another life.

There in the middle of the loft on his knees was Derek. Hands covered in blood of one of his few beta's left, sobs left Lilith's mouth as she stood there looking at the body in front of her.


Isaac sat by the door with Ms.Blake in his arms. Issac stood up and gave Ms.Blake to Lydia to comfort, he walked over to Lilith as she cried out.

"Hey shh it's okay" he wrapped his hands around her as he held her close. There he thought about how Boyd who was like his brother laid dead in front of him. Another one he loves just gone once again.

Liked by @hollandroden and 27,682 others

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@sarahsmith.19 - I took the beast out for lunch 👻😘
Tagged : @danielsharman

@ethanmiller - that's a huge ass burger 😩

@user1 - omg wait is this a date???
Liked by ianbohen, and more

@user88 - plz they're meant to be🥺

@tylerposey - as Lydia once said "just give him a little taste 😏"
Liked by 827

@user17- can she like stop using him for clout she's not even that pretty 🙄

@crystalreed- lover boy😘

Sarah loved hanging out with Daniel it always made her calm knowing she didn't have to put a fake face on when he was around. But after seeing what Crystal she was a bit confused, she had never heard that nickname for him and she was curious.

"So how's the week been? I feel I really haven't seen you this much, kinda makes me sad" Sarah played around with her fries as she said her confession.

"Yeah, really it's been awhile" Daniel felt bad but he didn't want to tell her the real reason he's been blowing her off. Deep down he knew she didn't care but he still felt guilty.

"So where have you been all this time?" Sarah felt her cheeks heat up as she made eye contact with him.

"Uh- well. I-" he didn't know what to say or how to say it really 'rip the band aid he thought'

"I've actually been hanging out with Crystal, we've gotten close the pass month and just kinda chilling"

Sarah felt her heart break into tiny little pieces. She knew she should've felt this way but she did, and hearing it hurt her.

"That's great!" She hid her pain behind a fake smile like she seem to always be doing.

"Yeah, well you know you and Ethan-"

"Oh no we're not a thing"

Daniel's head shot up as he heard the sentence.

"What happened I thought you liked each other?"

"Yeah, I guess we did but uh" she chuckled at the thought Ethan didn't want to be in a relationship with her because he knew she liked Daniel. And yet here we are and Daniel obviously has feelings for Crystal. "We decided not to go forward with that, besides friends are better"

Daniel felt his chest deflate from a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Oh well I'm-"

"Hey we should finish up we have to get back to set soon" Sarah hated at how cold she sounded but truth was she didn't want to talk about this topic anymore.

Liked by @tylerposey and 9,562 others@danielsharman - 💜-Comments disabled -

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Liked by @tylerposey and 9,562 others
@danielsharman - 💜
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Word count : 975
Sorry for errors it's 1am and I've been writing this for like three night ✌️

—Word count : 975Sorry for errors it's 1am and I've been writing this for like three night ✌️

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